
At this point, we’ve read the first seven issues from the Preuludes and Nocturnes book (and thus the first major story arc of Sandman). Glyph and Patrick gave their take on the first four issues, I gave mine on Passengers. Glyph then got wrist deep in the guts of the grueling 24 Hours and Sound and Fury and Mike Schilling has graciously offered to give his take on “The Sound Of Her Wings” for this coming Thursday.

Which brings me to the idea that, maybe, we’d want to do a Google Groups discussion about this for the next Somnology (or, if the timing is bad, the one after that?) That is to say: Who wants to do a Friday Night Sandman Discussion? And, if you’d want to do it, would you rather do it on November 2nd or November 9th?

It’s also my thought that we’ll want to take at least one week off (and probably two) between Books to give folks who order books via the library and/or Amazon to put in their orders. (The Sandman Vol. 2: The Doll’s House!) Do we have thoughts on that as well?

And, finally, those of you who didn’t read Glyph’s intro posts before we started may want to go back and re-read them now that you’ve dipped your toes in the Lethe. Part the Oneth, Part the Twoth, Part the Threeth.

What say you?


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to


    • Thanks for that Glyph. You have brought much laughter to my weekend.

  1. I assume Jaybird is referring to a Google hangout through Google+, in which case it’s live video chat, that can be recorded.

    November 2nd would work better for me, as I have plans for the following week. And a Friday evening time means I will be able to participate.

        • But does the head yell?

          (I’d love to participate in something like this, but some recent events have occurred that make it a little more difficult than it otherwise would be.)

          • I have a head ON a webcam, but it’s no longer yelling.

            I gotta clean this place up…

            Either day would probably be OK, so long as it’s after 6PM PT.

          • I was thinking 7PM Mountain Time. We’d go for an hour (because, as much fun as *WE* will have, we also want people watching this thing in another window) and then call it a night.

      • I have Skype, but I don’t know how to to google chat (and I don’t have Chrome, do I need it for this?).

        • I’ve participated in a chat without Chrome. I think I just send out an invite on Google Groups, people accept, and *WHAM*, we’ve got a bunch of us secretly judging each other’s bookshelves.

  2. I have the opposite conflict as James K. However, I am not that good at speaking my thoughts on the fly, so I probably wouldn’t participate to a live chat.

  3. I’d love to, but I’m working until 10pm Pacific. Mon/Tues work better for me.

    • Jeez, part of me was considering the whole “getting drunk” gimmick to go along with it.

      Doing it on a Monday/Tuesday would preclude that.

    • IIRC the last time I had to check mountain time I used Denver as the city. Does rthat sound right to you?

        • But James is in the Southern Hemisphere, so for him it’s counter-clockwise.

        • well that what happens when you have multiple time zones. I mean honestly, what kind of way is that to run a country. I really don’t know what people were thinking, having countries that wide.

          • The US used to be sort of slim, but then we ate that delicious, delicious Louisiana Purchase (followed by yummy “Seward’s Folly” brand ice cream for dessert), and now we are *never* getting into those cute jeans again.

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