So… what are you playing? I can’t believe that I have to go into the lab *AGAIN*. Ah, well. When I get back, I hope to finish Duke Nukem Forever.
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So… what are you playing? I can’t believe that I have to go into the lab *AGAIN*. Ah, well. When I get back, I hope to finish Duke Nukem Forever.
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I have two things I really want to be doing right now and that’s doing Khan Academy and Learn Python the Hard Way. Archiving my important stuff, dual booting Win7 (games, multimedia editing, also learning Russian with Rosetta Stone) and Linux (everything else).
I want to have the time to invest in Fallout: New Vegas especially since I see so many people giving glowing reviews, moreso with the DLC and The Longest Road stuff with Ulysses, making it into a really epic tale which supercedes anything made by Bethesda. Reckon I’m going to wait for the GOTY edition instead of being bled piecemeal for DLC off XBL. P.S. I think that The Courier is former Enclave and his final battle with Ulysses in Death Valley is over the interpretation of the United States of America. Enclave being being way too militaristic and demanding of purity while Ulysses has an idealistic point of view like a hippie with a Deagle in a VW van painted RWB.
Ooh, RWB are GREAT initials for a fictional POTUS especially since it evokes our 43rd POTUS.
I want to play Cthulhu Saves the World except it’s just something made in RPG Maker that one could download for free instead of paying 240 points for it. Plus it’s an ‘indie’ game and I was seriously burned by Braid being pretentious with clever yet brief gameplay and now I despise games with the ‘indie’ label.
That’s pretty much it.
I thought Braid was fantastic, I recall some interviews with the designer making me think he was a jerk I would never want to hang out with, but the game itself was a brilliant work.
I saw an advertisement for Cthulu Saves the World paired with another similar game (Breath of Death VII) for $2.70 on Steam, I might pick that pair up as it’s hard to complain about less than $3.00 for a game if you find it entertaining for a little while even.
RWB = Ronald Wilson Bush.
I think I’m going to try Amnesia: The Dark Descent tonight after refereeing a TF2 match for our community. I need something to play besides TF2 and Minecraft and so far nothing I’ve tried fits the bill.
Still playing Assassin’s Creed 2, and I’m finding it much easier going than I was before.
Just finished InFamous 2 with the Evil ending last night. The two endings are radically different — if they were thinking of doing any more sequels, they’ve left themselves a pretty good challenge (at least without setting it waaaay in the future or resorting to an “it was all a dream”-style solution).
Was lazily watching the ending credits, basking in the ambivalent glow of pointless accomplishment, when I saw some familiar names scroll by. Turns out some of the guys in my brother’s string jazz group contributed to the music for this game. Seeing their names reminded me that there were a few spots in the game where the backgournd music sounded like the sort of thing they do.
Wow, going to the lab really sucks. I’m personally not playing much unless “wargaming” practice counts. Still stuck in the “playing” with miniatures phase since 2007.
I was under the impression you had finished Duke already? I’ll check back to see what you thought of it once you finished.
I finished it *TODAY*!
I’m surprised to say that I kinda liked it. They had too many things that they copied off of other folks (turret fights, specifically) and the game made me question whether we should allow kids to play stuff like this (the strip club) but it had enough old-schooly heart to make me not mind it so much.
I’ve been “playing” with miniatures since about 1995. What games do you play?
I play Warhammer Fantasy, Warhammer 40k, Warmachine/Hordes. I have a starter set for Falmes of War but have never played. Recently I’ve been playing mostly Warmachine/Hordes. What do you play?