So… what are you playing and/or watching?
I’m still only ankle-deep in Dragon Age II. I’ve got the 50 gold pieces I need, but still want to clean up a handful of quests before I move on to knee-deep. I also picked up a copy of Legend of the Guardians last night while picking up a replacement charging cable for Maribou’s shuffle.
I am playing Assassin’s Creed I and Minecraft.
I’ve taken a break from Minecraft. The process leaks RAM so fast that I black-screen every 10-15 minutes, generally losing everything I’ve done except my inventory which really sucks. I’m waiting for them to patch it up some more before I can brave it again.
I’m finally getting around to playing Dragon Age. So far, I’m deeply impressed.
Which backstory did you pick?
Human noble. I’m playing a warrior using the sword-and-shield style, mostly because I love sound and visual effects when she shield-bashes a big Hurlock.
That’s a good one.
No spoilers: Each story starts off with the protagonist seeing a particular chicken kicked out of sight.
There are various points in the game where we see the chickens come home to roost… the human noble’s chicken? Oh, that’s a good’un that roosts very well indeed.
Sadly, I lost the thread with video games back in the Atari days and am playing nothing. However, I just wanted to say that I had that Godzilla with firing claw back in the day.
I envied that Godzilla.
Or did I covet it and envied the kids who had it?
It was one of those.
I might still have it somewhere. The Rodan was even cooler because its wings and claws worked and it made a horrible screeching noise when you opened its mouth. Alas, after a few years, the central rubberband broke and that killed him.