
So… what are you playing? I think (I *THINK*) I’m ready to put Dragon Age II away for a while and play something else. Like the new DLC for Mass Effect 2! “Arrival” is supposed to bridge Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3 (due out in Q4 2011!) and, my goodness, Mass Effect 2 was awesome. Heck, Mass Effect was awesome. The entire universe is awesome. Bioware is awesome. I’ll let you know if Arrival is awesome when I’m done.


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to


  1. I’m nearly finished my first playthrough of DA II. It’s inspired me to go back and have another go at DA:O, so I’ll probably do that next.

    I imagine I’ll catch up on the last MA II DLC later this year in anticipation of MA III. But you’re right about the Mass Effect Universe, Bioware really outdid themselves. It’s a real shame they released a PnP version of Dragon Age, but not Mass Effect, it strikes me as a setting that you could do a lot with.

    • Playing through my Dragon Age II a second time, I’m seeing a lot of the little things they set in motion to unfold if you need them or to just wither away if you go a different direction.

      The game is growing on me. (I do wish that they had more than two maps, however)

    • Arkham Asylum was the best Batman simulator I’ve ever played. We’re not in “pretty good for a superhero game” territory, we’re in “holy crap, this game is good” territory.

  2. I beat Mass Effect 2 DLC: Arrival last night.

    I’ll probably write a review later today but here’s the mini-review: It will most likely go on sale before Q4. Wait for it to go on sale before purchasing.

    I’ll get all nuts and boltsy in the real review. Or my version of “nuts and boltsy”, anyway (FSVO “real”).

  3. I just picked up a pack of Indie developer games via Steam. So far I’ve only tried Bit.Trip.Beat which is a fun little thing, but I’m looking forward to trying the rest (especially Super Meat Boy).

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