
You’d think I’d have figured this Thursday stuff out by now.

So I’ll try this: a mini review of a game that I can’t exactly recommend but can’t stop playing either.

I’ve purchased those “slot machine on your computer!” games before, mostly because I was hoping to play something cool like would be found in Las Vegas. You know… like Alien or Little Green Men or one of the games that gives you mini games to play. For the most part, those games aren’t released as video games (hey! Little Green Men was finally released in 2008! Huh. Well, that was after I went through that particular phase) and so I was stuck playing a three reel slot game and watching myself lose virtual money with no real interesting things happening otherwise. The noises were nice though and it accurately replicated playing at a casino for real.

Anyway, while running another errand, I saw this on sale.

Battle Slots.

It’s a silly little game that has you play a slot machine against the monsters you encounter and different payouts allow you to cast different spells. Red is melee and blue is magic… you need 8 red points to pay for a bash spell that does 2 damage, or 20 red points to pay for a spell that does 5. Or 11 blue to pay for a spell that does 3 cold damage! As I said, it’s a silly game.

However, if you find yourself having purchased a slot machine game in the past 10 years and wondered “why did I do this?” within minutes of installing it, you should play battle slots. It’ll push that feeling off for hours. (Indeed, I’m off to play it now.)


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to


  1. Ugh, that does not sound good at all. But I rarely play video games these days.

    • You can tune your slot machine! Do you want more melee mana or magic mana? Do you want to only occasionally cast high-damage spells or do you want to cast low-damage spells every turn? Do you want more gold for more upgrades or more experience points for more levels/hit points?

      Yeah, it’s dumb.

      I can’t stop playing.

      • …. So the really point to the game is to customise your slot machine….

        • You can tune your slot machine with better slot options so you can beat bigger monsters that drop enough money/experience for you to buy better slot options so you can tune your slot machine with even better slot options so you can beat even bigger monsters that drop slot options and money/experience so you can tune your slot machine…

          It’s like single player D&D.

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