
For the first time in my life, I was playing a video game and thought “I can’t believe they put that in here… kids are going to be playing this”.

That game was Duke Nukem Forever.

GTA3 didn’t make me think that. I, instead, thought “this is like nothing I’ve ever experienced! Cool!”

GTA4 didn’t make me think that. I, instead, was amazed that they captured so much of what made GTA3 so awesome while, at the same time, transforming the hero from a silent protagonist into whom you could project yourself into a rich character with a fairly developed backstory who had a greal deal of his own to say in any given situation.

The Saints Rows didn’t make me think that. They, instead, made me remember the GTAs.

Heck, even the Saw games didn’t make me think that.

Duke Nukem Forever made me think that. (I’m still going to beat it, though.)


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to


  1. It was the Strip club that did that for me.

    Not because “Oh noes! Kids are going to see badly rendered titties” but the ego parts.

    For those who aren’t familiar, Ego is like your shield from Halo. Once it’s down, hits will spray the familiar strawberry jam of doom on your HUD letting you know you’re about to die if you don’t find cover to regenerate the health.

    While you do not have to boost your ego, not doing so will cause you to spend more time sucking your thumb under a coffee table while waiting for your ego to regenerate. While some are as easy as looking at yourself in the mirror, others involve you having to do a lot of badly coded crap to boost your ego.

    So, I found myself playing badly coded air hockey and whack-a-mole games in the middle of doing a fetch quest for a stripper in a club.


    I heard that, as DNF development dragged on, a number of people in the team started saying that George Broussard should not be allowed to see new things because he’ll want to shoehorn it into the game. I can see how that happened with the Strip Club. I don’t have a problem with the humor or even the core gameplay but, when they start breaking up the game to shoehorn this crap in……

    It makes me wonder how much work Gearbox actually did and whether anyone told Randy Pitchford “Y’know, we should probably cut some of this crap right out.” or if he just ignored them.

      • Or if they actually worked on maps instead of corridor gameplay.

        Or if they allowed Duke to carry more than two guns.

      • At long last, Roberto, a voice of reason! BSK has me sharpening up my hari kari knives with his endless racist crap–do you suppose he might have been locked up in that trunk with Tawana Brawley? BSK, I’d be happy to treat you–no charge–could you please do me a favor and send me some of your DNA for analysis? I’m sure you’ll have no problem with that, so IL say thank-you in advance.

        Please, Liberals fear not–hope is on the way–in the form of DRD4. There has been a very significant breakthrough in understanding what precisely goes on in the brain of Liberals. (admittedly a scary thought) They’re not entirely to blame for the pathology of “Liberalism”–apparently, a dopamine receptor gene named DRD4, plays a huge part in determining and shaping a Liberal mind. Whoa, this gets scarier and scarier. But seriously, hope really is on the way.

        For the most part, there has never been anything more destructive and malignant to black society and culture than the Liberal Great Society. You may as well bunch up, affirmative action, forced busing, birth control, public housing, the total destruction of our public school systems, the total destruction of black culture in general an d what did they get? Zilch. Just a pile of Liberal socialist smoking, race hustling ruins, that’s what. How about intact black families dropping from 88% to 38% in just TWENTY years! And you can’t discuss this subject without mentioning AFDC which encouraged fathers to stay out of the household. Benefits were denied if the “bread winner” aka father, was living in the house! Madness? Of course! The whole hideous destructive Great Society monstrosity dealt a mortal blow to the black family, which they have never yet begun to recover from.

        Let’s all sit down, hold hands, and sing, scream, DRD4, DRD4, DRD4!! Liberation is at hand!

        • Heiddeger, you are posting your responses to comments on the main site in comments in the blog posts of sub-blogs that have nothing to do with the topic of the sub-blog posts in question.

          Please do not do that here on my sub-blog site. My sub-blog is deliberately apolitical/areligious/aphilosophical (kinda). I would very much like to keep it that way.

          • Well Jaybird, I knew something was wrong here so thanks for straightening it out. Any attempt to post my comments on the other site are automatically deleted and scraped.

            Which I guess, is another way to say I’m banned(?).

            My apologies, Jaybird. Will not happen again.

          • Heidegger, you were banned from the main site because of behavior that continued well after you were warned that your behavior would result in a ban.

            Now you are commenting in threads that have nothing to do with the comments you are writing in response to people you are not talking to and who are not likely to read your comment.

            It may feel good but it does not produce life. That is a particular description of a particular behavior that I do not oppose but do ask that you not do here. Please do it in the privacy of your own space.

        • Jaybird,



          Guess that settles that. Thanks.

          I much prefer brains that are deeply out of control. That have real passion and love of life. That don’t talk about pensions for THREE freaking days. There is barely a pulse in this stultifying, suffocating cite. I have posted about great books, paintings, places of transcendant beauty, mountains climbed, oceans crossed, lakes crossed, full moon Wagnerian Tannhauser convulsions, thanks RW–Tannhauser–and not once has there ever been any reaction, any shared sense of something beautiful, any expression of love or wonder of experiencing this beatific, mystical Universe that we are so blessed to be part of. Don’t any of you ever, ever, throw your shackles to the side long enough
          to view the magnificant aperture of this Cosmos? Is there any longing in any of your souls?

          Wachet Auf! Wachet Auf!

          Farewell, all….H

          “THERE was a time when meadow, grove, and stream,
          The earth, and every common sight,
          To me did seem
          Apparell’d in celestial light,
          The glory and the freshness of a dream. 5
          It is not now as it hath been of yore;—
          Turn wheresoe’er I may,
          By night or day,
          The things which I have seen I now can see no more.

          The rainbow comes and goes, 10
          And lovely is the rose;
          The moon doth with delight
          Look round her when the heavens are bare;
          Waters on a starry night
          Are beautiful and fair;..”

          When I heard the Learn’d Astronomer

          WHEN I heard the learn’d astronomer;
          When the proofs, the figures, were ranged in columns before me;
          When I was shown the charts and the diagrams, to add, divide, and measure them;
          When I, sitting, heard the astronomer, where he lectured with much applause in the lecture-room,
          How soon, unaccountable, I became tired and sick; 5
          Till rising and gliding out, I wander’d off by myself,
          In the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time,
          Look’d up in perfect silence at the stars.

          • No.

            I work for a large corporation.

            I had my soul surgically removed a long time ago.

      • Ending nothing. It’s like watching the movie 187 all the way through.

        Sure, you got to see Samuel L Jackson do his “I used to be a teacher!” rant but the cost was just too high.

        • This is probably an essay in itself but if you are going to have a mystery sub-plot it’s probably best to have more than one suspect (who then turns out to have done it).

          • Jaybird, please tell me this isn’t going on your sub-blog.

            I nominate the word, “Shenandoah” to be the most beautiful word in the English language.

            It has everything, beautiful sound, beautiful to see handwritten, the effortless way it rolls off the tongue, sort of like Leonard Cohen’s “Suzanne”–the sun pours down like honey–it’s simply my very favorite word since I guess, forever.

            I’m sure Blaise with your vast polymathian and polyglothian treasures chests, you could come up with some real doozies.

            I’d love to see a couple if you happen stumble upon any.

        • > Sure, you got to see Samuel L Jackson do his
          > “I used to be a teacher!” rant but the cost
          > was just too high.

          This is sort of how I feel about the “We’re not going to panic!” speech in the Smart Sharks movie. Although, that scene itself is pretty awesome, especially the ending.

          • Jaybird, if I understand this correctly: You have, Gifts of Gab; Gifts of Gab Around the League; Off the Cuff; Around the League;

            Clicking on any of the above will land my comments on your sub-blog? What kind of a sub-blog is that?

            Can I rent a space all of my own? Maybe call it, “Heidegger’s Krazy Korner?” I’d be very interested in doing that if it’s possible. Thanks for any help you may be able to provide. I’d throw out all the rules, entirely. Under any circumstances.

          • Scroll up to the top. On the left you will see the back of a gentleman and the words “Mindless Diversions”. If you click on the League of Ordinary Gentlemen link, you will see a great many posts (posts!!!) written by me on various topics.

            Reading these topics will provide context for many of the comments contained within the comment threads.

            If, however, you don’t particularly care about the comments or the context of the comments but just wish to say what you wish to say without care of other people or their sensibilities, it would explain everything except why you bother to comment.

  2. I’m assuming the title refers to Lethal Weapon rather than the Pittsburgh Pirates, but either way I’m missing something.

      • Oh ,no,no, Jaybird. That would not at all be what I seek–it would be a pointless, colossal wast of time for everyone. I’m with you completely. Oh course, this is entirely irrelevant since I’m dead as a doornail and banned from the main site.

        But thanks anyway. Much appreciated.

    • Mike! Mike!

      Danny Murtaugh! I’m in heaven with 60s Bucs. Just saw the 1960 7th game of the World Series–Maz, the immortal Maz rounding the bases–the absolute essence of joy….

      • That was one of the great moments ever, along with Bobby Thomson’s home run and, to switch sports, the Montana-to-Clark Catch.

  3. Just started doing multiplayer. Bear in mind that I’m talking about the PC version

    It’s pretty good all in all. It doesn’t seem as fluid as what I’ve heard about Duke3d match. Also not used to using number keys during Multiplayer so Pipe Bombs have a limited usefulness. (Granted, my very first kill was with a pipe bomb but that’s beyond the point.) However, weapon balance is surprisingly good.

    The rewards are character customization and furnishings (Babes are considered furnishings. That’s probably also an essay in and of itself.) for your digs. I’m not sure if I much care about earning furnishing for my digs beyond “I’ll look at this rarely” though. I kinda think Bioshock 2, derivative and repetive as the SP campaign was, had the right idea for MP.

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