
Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com


  1. The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath. The boyfriend has a pair of Lovecraft collections, and I’m slowly-but surely making my way through them.

    This one’s a bit fast-paced for lovecraft. If I were reading about Innsmouth our Cthulhu, the protagonist would still be sorting through papers at this point, but Randolph Carter has already been kidnapped by the servants of the crawling chaos and taken to the far side of the moon.

    • Reading Lovecraft as a batch is sort of like reading the Travis McGee novels as a batch.

      It has consequences that are remarkable for those who attempt. You come out the other end with a sublime appreciation for the body of work, or a sadness that so much effort was put forth on something so stark, or you’ve gone crazy/become suicidally depressed.

  2. Tried watching Biutiful last night, it violated my requirement to have some clue of the plot within 30 minutes and I turned it off. It’s entirely possible a good movie was going to show up at some point but I wasn’t going to go through the other two hours to find out.

    Reading-wise I’m reading “The City & The City” which is very good. I suspect there’s some kind of allusion to a book I haven’t read that underlines a lot of it, but it’s still very interesting to read.

  3. Year’s Best SF #16, dug the Reynolds story At Budokan which is unnecessarily awesome.

  4. Oh yeah, you don’t have NetFlix?

    Or did you like Sucker Punch so much you’d like to have a hard copy?

    • I don’t have time to play my video games.

      When I buy a movie, I can at least imagine watching it. I can’t imagine watching a movie I put in a netflix queue. That’d be like saying “I want to watch this youtube video someday”.

      • This is one reason I don’t have a Netflix account.

        The second reason is that if I watch a movie and I enjoy it, I will want to watch it again someday. And when I want to watch it again, I will want to watch it again when a confluence of factors dictate that I will enjoy it particularly apropos to the time/space continuum at that moment. So.

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