
Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com


  1. James K!

    To answer your question: The game is (so far anyway) mostly a first person shooter when it comes to gameplay.

    You jump out of your body for cutscenes, of course… but you’re mostly in your body during gameplay. Exceptions seem to be when you’re either behind cover and the camera jumps out in order to let you cheat a little bit or when you’re going up or down a ladder.

    • Ah, so that’s why there are all those screenshots from a 3rd-person perspective.

      Ah well, I guess I won’t be playing it then.

        • Quality isn’t so much the issue, I’ve never played Portal for the same reason, which is that I can’t cope well with the first-person perspective very well in computer games. I’m OK as long as I’m standing still, but as soon as I move faster than a slow walk I get this weird anxiety thing going on.

  2. I’m playing nothing — Day 7 without power. We’re. All going slowly insane.

      • Finally got power back Sunday afternoon, though we still have no cable and thus no internet.

        Anyway, I was exaggerating a bit — my family isn’t particularly into gaming, but we did find some car-trip-type games to play in the (mostly) dark. Also, I had some time-killing games on my various mobile devices. I was just hurting because I bought Monkey Island that Saturday, played it enough to get into the middle of the first chapter, and then was unable to return to it for over a week.

  3. I finished Breath of Death VII (it’s only about four hours long) and Zombie Shooter this week.
    I got The Polynomial from a friend but after ~20 minutes I have no idea what you’re supposed to be doing at all.
    I see they added another game to the Humble Indie Bundle 3 called Steel Storm, I might try that this weekend.
    Or else I might log another dozen hours of TF2.

    • I have never, ever, purchased anything off of Steam.

      Is Breath of Death VII worth making me be able to stop saying the above?

      • I guess it depends on why you’ve stayed away until now.
        It’s a cute game, I wouldn’t have bought a console just to be able to play it, but for less than $3.00 it was worth the chuckle and I’ve yet to launch Chthulu Saves the World, which I’ve heard is better.

        I’m a Steam evangelist, so my answer would probably be ‘yes’ just to try and convert you. I thought these were available over one of the console marketplaces, though?

        • They are. I’d purchase them from the XBox Live store.

          I’m waiting for Bloodlines to go on sale again… *THEN* I will finally Unsteam myself.

        • … in an odd coincidence, I’m playing Cthulu saves the world. The first part’s a bitch (particularly on hard/impossible), but then everything gets easy (so far). The whole thing’s funny.

          • I loaded it up last night, I was not prepared for how hard the first part was, so I’m going to start again shortly.

            I’m playing with the Dev commentary on, I’d recommend it if, like me, you think a second play-through is unlikely.

          • Plinko,
            yeah, it’s balanced for Offense Over Everything. Also, agility rocks. The first part is so hard because you’re slower than everything. (also, insanity is sometimes useful, and sometimes results in you becoming smithereens in short order).
            The dev commentary is good!

  4. Gaming Convention! Specifically, Strategicon!

    where I got to play Android with Kevin Wilson, the game’s co-creator. He’s also the creator or co-creator of Arkham Horror, Descent, and a whole bunch more.

    In a last minute upset, Both Kevin and I (who own the game, and have played it reasonably often) were soundly defeated by a dude who had never played before. It was lots of fun.

    • I’m actually playing as an optimist. My answer was something to the effect of “Hey, at least I’m awesomer, right?”

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