
Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com


  1. I am craaaaaawling toward the end of “Within a Budding Grove” so I can finally, finally take a break from Proust. (I don’t know when or why I decided that reading the entirety of “In Search of Lost Time” was something I needed to do, but I do know that if I pick up another book before I’m done with this one I will never finish it.)

    As a treat for myself, I think I’m going to read “Something Wicked This Way Comes” and “Neverwhere” next.

    • I used to do that (read something huge like Churchill’s memoirs of WW2, or all the Dune books) one after another. I find nowadays that interspersing them with lighter reading works better for me.

      For instance (though this is a mild example), I recently decided to reread Waugh’s early novels. Instead of rushing through them, I’ve been doing about one a month; the result is that they’ve all felt fresh, rather than more of the same. (I’m about halfway though Black Mischief now. It’s offensive as hell, but God, is it funny.)

  2. I just crossed the halfway point in A Clash of Kings and something has finally started happening.
    All those threads on Sexism in GRRM seem so off base, but I can understand why when he spends 500 pages just setting up conflict in a setting where everyone is pretty much already at war.

  3. I’m almost done with Storm of Swords, having broken my rule about only reading brain candy that takes place in warm tropical locales when vacationing in warm, tropical locales. I may stop for a while after that. It is occurring to me that I am spending a lot of time plowing through these books-that-can-be-used-as-weapons-they’re-so-friggin’-heavy, and that after a while I’m going to get to a point where the story line won’t be finished but my ability to read published story lines will.

    I need to find something way, way out of the fantasy realm to eat between my Swords and Crows meal.

  4. I keep trying to read Godel Escher and Bach but end up putting it aside about sixty pages into the book. Maybe next year.

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