
So, I’d say that the first meeting of the bookclub went well, and, as such, we need to get ready for the *SECOND* meeting of bookclub next Tuesday.

My gut feeling is that we shouldn’t do more than two episodes at at time (given how tough it was to write the first post… then again, maybe it’ll get easier).

Okay. The next two episodes are “The Same Old Story” followed by “The Ghost Network”. (Warning: the first couple minutes of The Same Old Story have a lot of screaming in them. It bugged me and it bugged Maribou as well… we’re both pleased we kept on with the series but that episode was squicky.)

So… questions. My plan is just to recap the shows and put my takes on the show in there when I feel it’s appropriate… should I do something else? Are the comments okay? (I’m thinking that we may have to lift some of the “no religion/politics/philosophy” not-exactly-guidelines for these shows because, seriously, to break down the episode, you’re going to have to talk about at least *ONE* of those things.) What do *YOU* want from our bookclub?

(As always, if you want to discuss spoilers, please rot13.)


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com


  1. Oooh, one thing I wondered. If’n we have an epiphany about one of the shows, should we talk about it in the most recent bookclub posts or in the post devoted to the show itself?

    • Dude. This is your chance to recruit more guest posts. Don’t flub it that quickly!

      • Oooh! Totally!

        We also want volunteers for recaps! If you find a show that blows you away, then feel free to call dibs for the recap.

    • Just being a jerk here, but why do recaps at all?

      I mean, going through a detailed plot recap up in the post kind of takes the air out of discussion of what actually happened, no? (Not to mention requires you to spend precious gaming time writing said recap)
      Plus, there are lots of excellent sources out there for recaps already if anyone wants to read one.

  2. I don’t think recaps are necessary – I’d rather you just give a your thoughts on the episode, and then all of us can discuss it. I’m fine with lifting the religion/politics/philosophy ban.

    If you come up with a new epiphany, you should put it in the most recent thread, as it’s unlikely anyone will see it otherwise.

    • I’d like to see just a short episode description, sort of like the one sentence lines you’d see in an episode listing, and then whatever talking points you’ve got from the episodes as a sort of kickoff to discussion – maybe a little exchange that tickled your fancy or a tip to the longer story arc (no spoilers).

      You could link to longer recaps if you wanted (twop or avclub both are good IMHO).

      • So something like.

        The Pilot of Fringe:

        In this episode we meet Agent Olivia Dunham, Peter Bishop, Dr. Walter Bishop, and Agent John Scott. After John Scott is knocked out by a bioterrorist weapon, Dunham uses Dr. Bishop’s techniques to solve the terrorist threat only to find that John Scott was working with the guy… and Massive Dynamic seems to be behind everything. (Oh, the guy who runs Massive Dynamic? Dr. Bishop’s old lab mate. Read the twop recap here and the avclub recap here.)

        My takeaways:

        GIANT FLOATING LETTERS get on my nerves.

        I love how Walter Bishop seems to be acting as if he is in an altered state of consciousness.

        This show strains credibility when it comes to how much one person can accomplish in 24 hours.

        Walter Bishop is really funny and insightful. Peter should be nicer to him!

        Nina Sharp does a great job of coming across as someone who knows the answer to the questions that everyone else *SHOULD* be asking.

        “Hello Peter, I thought you’d be fatter.” That was awesome.

        Something like that?

          • I think I prefer the recaps but I haven’t written the mini-recap/my takeaway posts yet “for realsies”.

            We can do it the other way for the next post and then see how we’re doing from there.


        • I’d like something more in the way of a comprehensive review giving your overall thoughts on the episode. Strengths, weaknesses, best parts, how you felt about the plot-arc parts, etc.

          • That makes sense to me.

            I’ll try to write two different reports for episodes 2 and 3.

            We can vote on how we want future episodes done… and, to be honest, different episodes will probably demand different approaches. (I’d probably want to write a full recap of “White Tulip” but “The Same Old Story” doesn’t require one, if’n you ask me.)

  3. I like the sorter one and then your view of the episodes. This will take less of your time and bring you opinions to the forefront better.

  4. I don’t mind either way, mini or full length. Do whatever works for you. I’ll let you know if I don’t like it 🙂

    • I think I will do it so that the episodes that I really, really enjoy will have the longer recaps and the fuller free associations and the ones that I could take or leave will be shorter.

      But I won’t know until Sunday.

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