Yesterday, I read a rumor that there would be a Mass Effect 3 patch coming out this weekend. Sadly, I just checked the thread and there is no mention of a fix coming out anytime soon. Sigh.
It looks like I’m back to Binary Domain and Heroes VI
So… what are you playing?
Really? Can’t use the old face so you’re not playing a game?
I’ve finished Mass Effect 3, and I’m just deciding what to play next.
What was your no-spoilers take on the ending?
It felt like a bit of a let-down (I don’t think I can be more specific without spoilers), but I don’t think the on-line rage is justified. Ultimately I don’t think the ending could have lived up to the rest of the trilogy anyway, that would be too high a bar to cross.
Playing? I think you mean Making. I just downloaded RPG Maker XP, and am having a blast–adapting the D&D adventure Castle Ravenloft into a CRPG.
So, what did I play? Well, since the redbox by 7-11 didn’t have Street Fighter X Tekken, I played:
Heroes of Might and Magic II
Pinball FX
Duke Nukem (multiplayer)
Warhammer Dark Crusade
Gears 3 (horde)
The DishWasher: Vampire Smile (arcade mode)
Bloody Checkers
Abbadon: Retribution
Clash of Heroes
Duke Nukem Forever DLC campaign (finished it too)
Resident Evil Outbreak
Rumble Roses XX
Magic the Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers.