
Holy cow, is tomorrow Friday already?

Indeed it is.

Well, we’re getting ready to get ready for summer and, last month, did the thing where the flannel sheets get washed, folded, then smooshed into a container in the closet for 6-7 months, the cotton sheets get taken out, washed, folded, then smooshed into the sheet drawer. The next step is to have a conversation about the air conditioning unit. Soon… but not yet.

Friday Night will be a night for doing sweet, sweet laundry while getting ready for the Bookclub on Tuesday!

Saturday is Free Comic Book Day! Be sure to visit your local comic book store (early!) and pick up a copy of a free comic book! While you’re there, pick up a little something something from the “collected volumes” shelf. Astro City, maybe. Transmetropolitan. Ultimate Spider-Man. The Dark Knight Returns. They’ll have something to tickle your fancy and, hey, free comic book. Saturday Night will have Maribou enjoying UFC 145 with her friends and I will be enjoying Not UFC 145 with Ezio Auditore da Firenze.

Sunday will be devoted to doing chores and running errands before settling in and getting ready for the week ahead (which, I understand, will be crazy).

So… what’s on your docket?


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com


  1. I said, “HER friends? They’re your friends too,” and he said, “When you’re watching UFC, they are YOUR friends.”

    I will be spending Free Comic Book Day pressing free comics on my college community, because our local comic book shop is Just That Awesome.


  2. First birthday party for the little one. We’ve decided that Gran will be hosting. It’s just so much easier.

  3. Mrs. Likko will be out of town. Tonight I’m seeing some arthouse movie with a buddy, we haven’t decided which one yet. Tomorrow will be the Avengers with a different buddy, and maybe a trip down into the Big City to see Tom Van Dyke’s blues band perform. Sunday will be chores around the house and lunch with some friends, finishing up the post for LoOG that I’m working on, and Skyrim.

  4. I want to try writing but I won’t. Anything. This is not good as I really need work on chapter 2 of the Queen’s Fury (anyone wanna read 1 and tell me how much you need to know what happens next?)

    What I will do:
    Take kid to Free Comic Book Day
    Play a little Skyrim
    Entertain wife’s friend’s husband while wife and friend play with babies
    Write next week’s blog entries
    Grade 160 tests and check in 450 homework assignments

  5. Thinking of going up into the high country for a raft trip this weekend with the wife. I know, I know. ‘The high country this time of year? Won’t it be cold?’

    Ehh. In my defense, I just bought a new used boat. And I feel a heat wave burnin my heart.

    If that falls thru, it’s mowing and hockey till Monday Mornin.

  6. I little to shake up my routine sometimes so I took Friday and Sunday off and am working Saturday. Cirque du Soleil’s Ovo is in town so I will be going to that as a part of my job duties on Saturday. I will be hiking on Sunday weather permitting.

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