
When picking up our free comics for free comic book day (as well as the titles in our hold file), I noticed a display of this particular trade paperback collection: Superman: Tales of the Bizarro World.

Us do opposite of all Earthly things!
Us hate beauty!
Us love ugliness!
Is big crime to make anything perfect on BIZARRO WORLD!

The stories, of course, have all of the narrative coherence that you expect. It’s bizarro comics at their most… erm… it am bad book!

So… what are you reading and/or watching?


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to


  1. I need to watch Fringe. I just finished reading Fifty Shades of Grey, but I’m a little scared to start Fifty Shades Darker so I’m taking a few days in between.

  2. I want to know which titles are in whose hold file.

    • I get Justice League, Batman, Detective Comics, Action Comics, Superman, and (the camel’s nose itself) Suicide Squad. Special orders also go in there and Maribou is as likely to be the special orderer as I. I think she can best tell you what she’s recently ordered but the first title to my head is the 1910 League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

      • I almost always buy TPBs, so. Picked up the first trade of American Vampire this week.

        The most recent special order I made was actually for one of the Astro City’s that wasn’t in stock (though Jay read it too).

        I get too twitchy reading things an issue at a time. It drove me NUTS during season 8 of Buffy, so once that wrapped up, I swore off.

      • I am reading Red on Red by Edward Conlon and the Best American Comics 2011.
        I am alternating between the 3rd season of Psych and the 1st season of Game of Thrones, a disc at a time, because I can only take so much Game of Thrones at a time. Bleak (and I already read the books).

      • Do you have the whole run of Suicide Squad?

        • Oh yes. And the Deadshot mini-series. And the much more recent maxi-series.

          I’m… torn on the current run.

          “Did they used to be this mean?”, I found myself asking more than once.

  3. _The Rising Sun_ by John Toland. It’s a WWII history focusing on Imperial Japan.

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