
I continue to play Mass Effect 3 and I continue to be delighted by it. I sure hope this new ending DLC makes it worth it… but I’m also enjoying the new four tables on Zen Pinball and the new Magic.

So… what are you playing?


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to


  1. I was showing Junior how to play a matching by color game this morning. He informed me that I was doing it all wrong with a forceful “no, no, no” and a furrowed brow. I guess when you’re two you get to make up your own rules.

    • He saw the game and had this grand vision for how awesome it was going to be… and then found out that it was “educational”.

    • I’m irritated that I have to read man pages for stuff I’ve done a hundred times (and, yes, even did last week).

      I can still sing the “My Buddy” song from memory despite not having heard it since Reagan was president.

    • All I can remember is that I had one of those shirts and I loved it.

  2. Well, yesterday, I beat Dishwasher:Vampire Smile’s last Arcade mode level (think Ninja Gaiden: Master Ninja difficulty) so I think I’m going to start supplementing my other gaming with beating Renegade Ops on Hardcore mode and Binary Domain on Survivor mode.

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