
Today’s my birthday.  I found out I share a birthday with Bill Cosby when I was about 7 years old, when I heard this routine for the first time:

There’s something sort of magical when you discover that you share a birthday with someone, when you’re 7.  Happy birthday, Bill.

(by the way, the Monsters bit – it’s called “9th Street Bridge” on the Revenge album – is hilarious).


Patrick is a mid-40 year old geek with an undergraduate degree in mathematics and a master's degree in Information Systems. Nothing he says here has anything to do with the official position of his employer or any other institution.


  1. Happy Birthday. Just for today i will stop trolling Rush fan web sites in your honor.

  2. Happy Birthday!!!!
    I LOVE birthdays! I think everyone should get to feel extra special several times a year, but at the very least once a year on your birthday. This belief may stem from having a birthday that falls on December 27. What are your big, fun, wonderful birthday plans?

    • Tonight, we’re going to see Singin’ In The Rain in the theater, as it is having an “Anniversary Night” special release nearby, just Kitty and I.

      Unfortunately, my mother-in-law’s birthday present to herself (hers is the 11th) was to break her leg last night. She threw her artificial hip out and needs surgery today. Kitty may be flying to Montana early this year to help, so I’m trying to figure out how to fit two kids and the workweek together potentially for the next couple of weeks.

  3. “Come on out — Fat Albert!”

    Happy Birthday.

    • Fat Albert was the baaaaadest buck-buck breaker in the world… and he loved to hear us call his name.

      Fat Albert weighed




        • Us, too. Two little white boys in a midwestern farm town.

          • Assuming you are talking about actual snow (I have no idea who Fat Albert is), I love, love, love snow!!! Maybe a little too much.

          • The video (which you should watch; it’s space awesome[1]) is about snow. Fat Albert was a character Bill Cosby invented, a childhood friend who was, very, very big. As opposed to “Old Weird Harold, we called him that because he was 6’9″ and weighed fifty pounds. We used to use him to get the football out of the sewer.”

            1. Or as close to space awesome as anything set in Philadelphia can be.

          • I understood the video, I just wasn’t sure if mention of this Albert fellow changed anything. Thank you for enlightening me.

  4. Happiest returns of the day (and thanks for reminding me of that bit, which I had forgotten).

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