
Here’s the crazy thing at work: the boss is on vacation this week, right? So, normally, this is the week where we… well… we don’t SLACK OFF… it’s just that we don’t feel like we can’t hit the drive-thru before we go to work. We don’t have to wait until half-past to start wrapping things up as much as feel like half-past is a great time to be walking out to the car. Or in it!

It’s supposed to be the week that you can just say “you know what? I’m only going to put in 40 hours this week.”

Well, sometimes life just doesn’t work out that way. There have been all kinds of little crises followed by THE BIGGEST CRISIS IN THE WORLD (which was more of a “we have to solve this problem before it becomes TBCITW”, honestly, and we solved it with time to spare but, jeez) and then we had a splattering of post-TBCITW-prevention crises (Mr. Panic Button calling because everything had gone wrong (it hadn’t), Ms. I Know I Said COB but I meant Noon, and Mr. That’s Not How The Application Works Oh Wait It Turned On) AND EVERYTHING IS FINE NOW.

On top of that, I picked next week for vacation because, two weeks ago, the schedule was wiiiiiiiiiiide open. There was only one thing on the schedule, it belonged to Awesome Co-Worker (who assured me that he did not need my help with this, just enjoy the week and sleep in for me, that sort of thing) and everything else was blank. Well, that schedule has since been OBE and now looks like the week before Christmas/New Year’s.

Anyway, all I have to do tomorrow is to make sure that the stuff that needs to be up to date is up to date, the failsafe stuff that needs to be up to date is up to date, and then I can cheerfully spend the rest of the day monitoring backups. The way the rest of the week was originally scheduled to go.

As such, I haven’t even *THOUGHT* about the weekend yet.

Maybe I’ll see Total Recall.

So… what’s on your docket?


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com


  1. Have to stay late at work to break down camp, but celebrating with the world’s tastiest pizza. Errands in the Jerz tomorrow, but celebrating with Indian buffet for lunch and TDKR. Chores on Sunday.

  2. The main things on my radar is gaming with friends on Saturday and weeding the front yard. That is well over due.

  3. Minor league baseball for daughter number 3’s birthday.

  4. Hoping my customer service fu worked last night and we will still be getting our washer delivered on Saturday, in which case there will be much washing going on. Which means there will be muich putting away going on. Which means a lot of time I can spend watching movies. *eyes stack of Studio Ghibli purchases longingly*

    • No washing machine….
      But it should be a good weekend anyway. Looking forward to gaming tomorrow.

  5. Playing duplicate, for the first time in decades. I have a bad feeling about this.

    • The game where it is not, in fact, better to be lucky than good.

        • We’ve been part of an occasional social game for years. My qualms aren’t about awful misunderstandings as much as about a bottom because I didn’t spot the chance for an overtrick at an acceptable risk to the contract, or not understanding any of the opponent’s bidding that’s less than 20 years old.

          • “or not understanding any of the opponent’s bidding that’s less than 20 years old.”

            I feel you on that. I spent the last ten years playing kitchen table bridge with a consistent group of friends, then couldn’t find a game for a couple years and started playing at a club in Philly. Suddenly all (and I do mean all) of my conventions were obsolete and had to be thrown out. It’s been an…experience.

          • I cannot be faded.

            (translation: my bidding is atrocious)

          • It wasn’t a disaster: we finished slightly below average, and on the one hand where the bidding got out of control, we stumbled into the right contract. But between the constant exhortations from the director to play faster and all the unaccustomed distractions (traveling score, private score, bidding boxes, etc.), I didn’t play very well.

            We played one round against the traditional married couple who use bridge to torture each other:

            She: What was that 3 of trumps supposed to tell me?

            He: That I had an even number of them.

            She: No, you’re supposed to echo with more than two.

            He (embarrassed): We can talk about it later.

            She: We’ll talk about it now.

            This on a hand where we were in 4 spades and were going to take exactly 10 tricks on anything short of a revoke.

            On the other hand, I got to talk to a fascinating guy who’s a physicist/computer scientist at LBL.

  6. Soooo many chores. Being busy with work and going out of town for a conference leave the chores to stack up. There is a space and aviation museum/waterpark/vineyard not far from home that I will will be visiting this weekend. There are some things you can only find in Oregon 😉

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