
Holy cow, is tomorrow Friday already?

Indeed it is.

There was that thing on Tuesday, and all day Wednesday talking about it, and I listen to the radio today and they have, like, commercials for Product again and it sinks in on me that… holy cow. It’s the middle of November. HOW IN THE HECK DID THAT HAPPEN???

That said, we are now back in Daylight Standard Time, it is now possible to go to bed at 6:30 PM and it’s PITCH BLACK outside (the mountains help bring sunset around about an hour early, you see), we have to change from the linen sheets to the flannel sheets (rock on), and I get to switch from Hawaiian Shirts to my Plaid Flannels (awesome). The main thing I notice about this time of year, when it comes time to do laundry, is that I find myself wondering how in the heck we wear so many clothes. In the summer? I can do a week’s worth in a dedicated evening. In the winter? It takes all freakin’ day.

It’s not like we’re doing costume changes here.

Anyway, I look forward to doing laundry this weekend (and otherwise running interference) for people who may or may not be household members as they do stuff that may or may not involve writing papers.

So… what’s on your docket?


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com


  1. I have crazy time weekend; Kitty is off to the Albuquerque to help her parents settle back into the non-Montana house. We’re all off to the airport at oh dark thirty tomorrow morning, and then coming back across the LA basin in traffic, and then spending a short stint at my office so that I can get some work done while the kids watch something on the compooper while I dart over to the division emergency planning meeting to talk about communications and show off my go bag.

    Then home, dump the kids at a friend’s house for the evening, and the Pasadena Educational Network’s charity tournament (I’m totally winning this year). Back home. Up early, over to friend’s house, pick up kids n’ take ’em to Hannah’s soccer. Break. Home for a bit, pack up snack (we’re snack friend this week) and back to soccer for Jack. Then home again. Maybe somebody might come over Saturday night to play games, but it looks bleak as I’m not getting calls back. Sunday if the weather is nice paint part of the house, if not videoblog the go bag.

    Somewhere in there, beer. Oh, wait! That’s right now.

  2. taking tiny terror to the natural history museum to check out the spider exhibit.

  3. Having some friends over for King of Tokyo and Munchkin Bites tomorrow. Making my first attempt to cook chili. The usual grocery shopping and house cleaning.

      • This will be my first time playing it. I just got it this past week.

        • Ah, cool. Let us know how you like it.

          (The house rule we introduced was that we assigned a particular four point “keep this” card to each Monster, watch out, we found the “two extra hit points” card was waaaay too powerful so you may want to avoid that one being one of the cards, if you want to try the house rule, which you shouldn’t feel pressured to do, I’m just saying what we did.)

  4. I’ve got a 2.5 day weekend as soon as I get this pesky thing out of the way. Big plans include birthday party planning for Junior who turns three next weekend and wine tasting with the girls on Sunday.

      • Notice the wine tasting occurs a week before the party. I’m stocking up. I’m actually going again next weekend the day before the party. You can never be too prepared.

        I thought I should pin the tail on the donkey or something. I might do a make your own sundae or pizza bar. I’m open to ideas.

        • If weather allows, plan an outdoor activity where they can tire themselves out.

          (I meant the three-year-olds, not the wine-tasting club. But you never know.)

      • “A cake and a case of wine.”

        That will put them right to sleep, regardless of the sugar rush.

  5. Modern gun season for deer opens tomorrow. I’ll be in the tree stand at sunrise with a .243 on my lap. Birthday party for the youngest kid (14? Geez!) Saturday afternoon. Saturday night Mrs.Dwyer has plans with her friends so I may take in a movie.

    On Sunday more deer hunting in the morning IF I wasn’t successful on Saturday. Then I am working the alumni booth at my alma mater’s annual Open House for new students.

      • One buck, one doe or two does. Since I’m just hunting for meat I’ll be shooting the first deer I see.

        • Why two does but not two bucks? Is it to encourage keeping the deer population down?

          • Yes – the logic is that killing does is more effective in population control. There are roughly eight does for every buck in the woods.

          • There are roughly eight does for every buck in the woods.

            It’s good to be a buck.

          • It’s good to be a buck.

            Are you implying he gets a lot of bucking fishing done?

    • When I was a kid, seniors had rifles in the gun racks in their trucks this time of year. That way, they could go hunting for a couple of hours after school.

      The past is another country.

      No politics.

  6. Stargazing at the Air Force Academy tonight (maybe). More work on the dog enclosure tomorrow as little Skittles continues to prove that there is no fence capable of containing her, no matter how much money her humans spend on it. Sprinkle the rest of the weekend liberally with playing XCOM as I come to terms with the fact that I suck at my most favoritest game ever.

  7. Taking the Four Year Old to Bal’mer to go and visit the ‘Quariam, where we’re going to meet some friends from NoVa, two of whom will soon be shipping off to Unpleasant Country in Asia, and two of whom will be bringing along their Three Year Old. Then watching the Bills get spanked by Gisele’s Husband.

  8. I’m going to enjoy a 37 hour Saturday.

    Unfortunately 17 of them will be on airplanes and another three or four in airports.

    Following that, I am going to give Mrs. P and baby girl some big hugs and enjoy being home again.

  9. Got a nice doe this morning. Put 50 pounds of meat in the freezer. Nice to have the season over so fast but it’s weird. What am I going to do with the next two weeks?

    • This reminds me, I’ve seen 5 deer dead on the highway this week. That’s more than I think I’ve ever seen in a week’s time.

  10. I finished my paper!

    Now I have to study for the exam I have to take today. Which I am going to start… any minute now. As soon as this cat decides to get off my collarbone…


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