
Holy cow! Is tomorrow Friday already?

Indeed it is.

Well, this is the weekend where I have to Be Santa. So that’s pretty much eating up the whole danged thing. Friday night is psyching up, Saturday morning is Being The Guy Himself, and the rest of the weekend is spent falling apart from the stress.

So… what’s on your docket?


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com


  1. Poker tomorrow night. Saturday morning is Jack’s playoff soccer game (rain delayed). If they win, he has one in the early afternoon. They haven’t won one all year, so I’m thinking we’ll probably be off on that score. Late-afternoon starts the Bryn Mawr Alumni So Cal chapter Christmas party, good food, nice conversations, slightly out of place husband but an enjoyable evening every year. Sunday brunch is Kitty’s Book Club Meeting, which is at our house this month (the book is World War Z, which I read, so I might chime in a bit). Sunday afternoon is working on the doll house. Running out of time!

  2. Daddy-daughter time with daughter #2. Christmas shopping for mom and sibs, lunch at her joint of choice, and maybe catch a movie (has anyone seen Wreck-it Ralph?).

    All in all, what I call a good time.

    • No, but I did take my two boys to see Rise of the Guardians last Friday. Six thumbs up!

  3. I ran out of oomph for dealing with all my family stuff AND all the other stuff AND this dual case of pinkeye that showed up on Wednesday. So I’m on stress leave until January. One long freaking weekend (and so very welcome).

    I will be …. doing things that refill my well. Starting with a lot of listening to music and resting my eyes. And also doing my best to do the things that can’t be magically hand-waved away until January – but there are only a very very few of those.

    • (Er, note that, because of how my job works, “until January” means “I definitely needed at least 2 weeks”. After which, we’d be shut down anyway. I have exactly negative-87 complaints about how that translates to January, though!)

  4. There are three active SF/fantasy series that I follow to the point of “Buy it in hardcover.” One is Lois Bujold’s Vorkosigan series, which she’s been writing on and off since about 1986. A new one came out just this week,

    • Now I know the next book to get….have the whole series and love it! I would be interested in learning what the other two series are.

      • A Song of Ice and Fire (though that’s only a purchase every five years or so) and Steven Brust’s Dragaera books.

        • I will have to check out Steven Brust’s books, I haven’t read any of those. Always love to find another author I haven’t read.

  5. I have to do this one thing for work that I found out about yesterday evening in an after work call. Once that’s out of the way, I can relax. I will erect the tree and let the three year decorate it. I have a feeling there’s something I’m forgetting. Oh yeah! The steelers are playing on Sunday.

  6. I went to Ottawa’s giant craft/art fair, spent a ridiculous amount of money, and finished most of my Christmas shopping, as tends to happen when I go to giant craft fairs. Being in a place where these kinds of sales are held is one of the great things about moving to a larger city.

    Tomorrow is, hopefully, for putting together the broad strokes of a paper.

    It’s my birthday!

  7. I spent Sunday (with my Dad’s help) draining a 75 gallon aquarium and moving it onto a new stand. The original stand had termites. There were some plumbing issues after the transfer, 1 due to the new stand being higher than the old one, the other because I broke the return, so I had to create a replacement using PVC.

    Not the most enjoyable way to spend a Sunday by any means.

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