
We’ve read the first three Sandman books and now we’re going to take off a week for all y’all to order your copy of Season of Mists.

Way back in the hazy days of August (WHEN KURT BUSIEK COMMENTED ON MY BLOG!!! (I should probably thank Schilling for that… thank you, Mike! That continues to make my day.)), I mentioned that Season of Mists was a story that would have you considering quitting your job and becoming a writer. Been thinking about that, been flipping through my copy again… and, yep, I stand by that.

As such, I’m more than happy to do the recaps for any issues that haven’t been dibsed… and, as of this moment, none of the issues have been dibsed yet… In any case, get your copy of the book. Our first assignment, when it is assigned, will be to read the first two issues.

As always, if you absolutely positively have to talk about some major spoiler in comments, please rot13.

It has also come up that some wish to have a place where they can yell “DIBS!” I suppose this is as good a place to yell “dibs!” as any. (One should also keep in mind that just because someone yelled “DIBS!” on your favorite book, the one that you were hoping to recap, know that you can still submit one. We’ll read and argue over that one too.) Dibs, so far, behind the cut:

Katherine wants #31, Distant Mirrors – Three Septembers and a January

Russell Saunders wants #35, Beginning to See the Light

Russell Saunders wants #36, Over the Sea to Sky

Russell Saunders wants #50, Ramadan

Katherine wants #53, Hob’s Leviathan

Reformed Republican wants #54, The Golden Boy

Alan Scott wants #75, The Tempest (schedule permitting)


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to

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