
Holy cow! Is tomorrow Friday already?

Indeed it is.

Well, I will be ending my first week as the FNG at the new place. I am in the New Building rather than the Old Building. In the Old Building was where all of the developers worked and did their stuff… guys who had toys on their desks and ping pong ball guns and remote control helicopters and weren’t afraid to use them. The New Building is where all of the suits reside. Grown ups. People who wear solid color shirts with long sleeves with buttons on the cuffs (sometimes the shirts have little stripes).

I haven’t worn a Hawaiian yet. I think I will make the attempt tomorrow. “It’s Friday!”, I plan on explaining if it evolves into an issue. Fingers are crossed.

After that… well, I plan on being exhausted after the week finally winds down. We’ve got gaming on Saturday night and the usual array of chores and errands but I hope to mostly spend time at home with the kitties wearing my favorite fuzzies.

So… what’s on your docket?


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com


  1. The little girl comes back home this evening from a week at Nana’s house. We shall watch Finding Nemo. We shall play with Christmas gifts. We shall take long naps. It shall be glorious.

  2. NFL playoffs. Revenge against Minnesota!

    Roasting chicken. Looking for a bottle or two to restock the wine rack — we did very well over the holidays.

    Finishing and posting the second gun case for our symposium at the front page.

    • Whatever hex you put on Ponder’s elbow is paying off.

  3. Hitting the slopes for the first time this season. And when I say hitting, I mean it. I anticipate at least 25 falls.

    Then football most of the weekend.

    Oh, and Zazzy is officially becoming a Kazzy. We’re in the process of updating her name in a number of places, which will take up most of Saturday AM. Oh, and touring the hospital we chose for delivery.

    But, yea, snowboarding! And playoff football!

  4. I’m going to put on a nice shirt and drive country roads with a friend tomorrow morning, knocking on doors and begging permission to hunt geese in their corn fields. The winter migration has started and we have to be mobile. This process feels me with more discomfort than asking a girl to the prom. But, it’s what we have to do…

    Frazier Museum tomorrow morning to honor my promise to my mother and take her to see an exhibit of Princess Diana’s dresses. Just hoping I can sneak away and drool over swords and spears.

    Hopefully catching This is 40 with the wife tomorrow night and then Sunday we are doing a DVR marathon.

    • Is there normally a price for bagging geese in my field? Can I take a split of the loot?

      Not that I have a cornfield near you…

  5. My weekend is your weekend, sweetie. Only with more books, and finishing my final project for that one class I still haven’t finished due to all the other stuff going on. Hoping I can do that mostly today, which would give me a real weekend before returning to work on Monday.

  6. Puter broken.
    Defragging of warehouse after Christmas taking obscenely long.
    Should have bought rush shipping.

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