
Holy cow, is tomorrow Friday already?

Indeed it is.

The week after Daylight Savings Time kicks off is usually my least favorite week of the year. Everything feels tilted and off. We recently bought a new alarm clock (static electricity destroyed the previous one) and it, apparently, automatically updates for Daylight Savings Time. We live in the future!

Except it didn’t do it on Sunday. It did it this morning.

So I wake up at 5:30, the clock says “6:30”, and I hit snooze a couple of times, then freak out because I have to get ready and I hit snooze and I stumble downstairs and… the microwave tells me that it’s barely 6:15.

Which totally sucked.

So the number one thing we’re doing this weekend is SLEEPING IN.

And I believe that we’re going to see the Die Hard movie. Oh, and gaming on Saturday.

So… what’s on your docket?


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com


  1. Fish is coming at 9 o’clock on Saturday. (THANK YOU FISH FOR BEING OUR FRIEND WITH A TRUCK!!). Of course, getting up at 8:30 will FEEL like sleeping in after the week we’ve had…

  2. Have I mentioned yet what a non-event DST change is to me?

    Cuz my normal state of affairs is to wake up in a different state–and more likely than not, different time zone–every morning. And it’s been years since I had a job where I had to be at the same place at the same time every morning, day in and day out. Don’t miss it much.

    Oh, and static electricity is no way to blow up an alarm clock. Many years ago we were moving into a new (rental) house and we had one of those alarm clocks where the numbers were on little cards that flipped. So we plugged it in to have some radio going on. The numbers started spinning like crazy and a couple seconds later there was a bang! and smoke came out of the top of it. Turns out the outlet was 220-volt for air conditioners but looked almost like a normal outlet. Now THAT’S how you blow up an alarm clock.

    • It was a Friday afternoon, we had adjourned the day and were discussing the various upcomings of the weekend. I was shuffling about the bedroom wearing my fuzzy clothing and my slippers and, when I reached for the alarm clock to turn it off for the next couple of days, a *HUGE* shock traveled down my finger (it was one of those that felt like it cracked your knuckles as it went down) and through the gap between the snooze button and the case. The radio turned on. It wouldn’t turn off. We unplugged it and it still stayed on for a couple of seconds.

      The new alarm clock sucks in comparison.

      • I eagerly await the next installment of “The Adventures of Electro-Man”, entitled “Revenge of the ClockMaster”.

  3. Three of us guys leaving for Indy tonight. Hanging with another friend at his place there and then the four of us are driving to Chicago tomorrow morning to celebrate St.Patrick’s Day with the other 1 million or so people who have the same idea. Lots of basketball on TV (Go Cards!) and UFC tomorrow night should be epic.

    • You can tell a lot about a person by whether they call it Indy or ‘Nap. 😉

  4. Moving!

    The big weekend is next weekend. That’s when we need everything out so that the cleaning can get done.

  5. A lot of yard work, which is the same thing we’ve done for the past two weekends. Our new house wasn’t lived in for about four years (the previous owners intended to retire here) so, while some basic yard work got done, it’s mostly in a state of benign neglect.

    Saturday, we’re going out to dinner. I also plan to squeeze in a run and a yoga class, and the husband intends to squeeze in some tennis.

  6. This weekend is Megacon, so I will spend the weekend being a nerd.

    I guess I do that every weekend, really.

  7. I don’t know if it’s DST or I’m coming down with a bug, but I’m feeling a little sluggish. Today I think I’ll take my time getting chores done and tomorrow I’ll go to a baby shower. Thing is, the baby decided to come early so I’ll get to hold her. I feel baby fever coming on. Hopefully there will be a game night with friends as well.

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