
We played Apples to Apples last night. After a brief period where I was playing “Cards Against Humanity” when everybody else was playing Apples, I got into what we were actually doing and can wholeheartedly say that Apples, for me, was one of those games that I knew about but never actually *PLAYED* and, golly, it’s a good party game for a bunch of folks. It might even be better than Cards Against Humanity.

I’m sure you all already knew that, though.

So… what are you playing?


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to


  1. I played Apples in college a few times and at work parties. Cards is one I play with my friends on game night.

    I’m hoping to have a game night this weekend and play Trailer Park Wars.

  2. I played duplicate last night. No disasters, and we finished slightly below average. Even better, we didn’t play against any couples who act out Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf.

  3. I had a particular group of friends for whom “Apples to Apples” was a much-loved activity. Unfortunately, over time it became little more than a collection of in jokes, endlessly repeated, and a ritual by which new people signaled whether they “got” our humor or didn’t.

  4. The last game I played was one of those complicated German ones. It was based on the Wonders of the Ancient World.

    I am debating whether to pick up Sim City when the Mac version comes out

    • My advice for Sim City, so far, is “dude, the game launch was a fiasco”.

      I have no reason to believe that they won’t screw up the Mac launch.

      • Now that I think about it, that’s not advice.

        Anyway, my advice would be to “let someone else beta test the launch before you spend your hard-earned money on your own copy.”

        • get crusader kings 2 instead! it’s technically competent and, so far, really difficult.

          • Tropico 4. 🙂 Got it on sale on Steam.

            And a suprising number of my friends are suddenly playing it. Quite fun.

  5. Started playing Torchlight II last night as an Outlander in hardcore mode.

  6. Played the StarCraft boardgame by fantasy flight games. What’s normally a 3-4 hour game was done in three turns. The game uses an order stack mechanic: you place order tokens on planets, and other players can place their own orders on top of them. Then once each player has placed four orders, you take turns resolving orders, but only those on the top of the stack.

    So Ian is sitting on a downright hideous number of locations that provide victory points. I manage to get a few marines behind his lines with an opportune event card. I trick him into drawing most of his forces away to kill my marines, leaving only one of his units defending the planet that the bulk of my forces are next to.

    But in order to transport to that planet, I need to build a shuttle. I’ve got the build order ready to go, but the protoss player who’s been turtling and teching up to archons finally decides to attack me, and has his attack order sitting on top of my build order. Which means when my turn rolls around, I have to activate the attack order before I have any way of getting ships to the other planet. He goes unchallenged, and gets the 15 points he needs to win.

    I want a rematch.

  7. Apples to Apples is a great game to play with kids. They can play on a perfectly even playing field with adults, and it plays with kids’ natural interest in language. I’m not sure I’d enjoy it with adults, but everyone who has kids or is about to have them should get the game and start playing it with them when they’re young.

    • Apples to Apples is fun with adults, but you have to get a ‘feel’ for the group. Some people are literalists and judge that way. Others judge on sense of humor, or irony, or a handful of other criteria.

      Half the fun of playing with friends is not just playing your cards — it’s playing the judge.

  8. We played some more of our Epic Fight in the Dresden RPG tonight too; it was a huge amount of fun. Also, I figured out we’d been WAY underpowering my sword-fighting. Which means the Epic Finale is gonna be even more awesome.

  9. My son and I played in a Pathfinder “Battle Interactive,” at Megacon. This is where there are a bunch of tables playing the same adventure. It is timed, and a lot of the NPC characters are done in front of everyone. In this case, the adventure was built around an auction, so the auction stuff was done live for the entire room. Results for each table were averaged to determine how certain aspects would turn out at various points. There was a score for each table to determine the overall winner, though I did not stay for that.

    I had never done one before, but it was fun. We had a good table with people who did not take it too seriously, which was good, because my son and I were not there for competitive RPing.

    I also acquired a couple new games at the con, which I will have to try out soon. I got the LOTR Living Card Game and the Game of Thrones board game.

  10. I got Little Inferno when it went on sale this weekend, burned a few things and started to get an idea of what was going on.

    A big Minecraft update came out so I’ve been digging quite a few tunnels and trying out new stuff. I’m not a big redstone user so how to use all the fancy new tools is kinda beyond me, but I’ve heard you can automate some cool stuff now.

    My proto TF2 team tried playing together a bit on Saturday night, it’s really humbling when you discover how little 1,700 hours of pub playtime prepares you for the way the competitive game goes.

    • Thanks for standing still.

      I found Little Inferno to be downright hypnotic. One of the most soothing games I’ve ever played.

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