
So I’m playing not only Bioshock Infinite (which I really can’t discuss without getting into religion or politics) but a little dinky trifle of a Steam game called “Triple Town” which is taking over my dreams. It’s just another “get three in a row” game… and it has taken over my life. Just one more game. Just one more game. Just one more game.

So… what are you playing?


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to


  1. Junior is about three and a half now. It’s time to introduce board games, IMO. Today we tried Candy Land. That kid gets excited like nobody’s business when he thinks he won, which he clearly did not.

    • See, *THAT* is an interesting phenomenon there. What, exactly, does “winning” entail for 3 1/2? (And I’ve never met a 3 1/2 year old for whom “winning” was not a serious goal when it came to anything such as Candyland.)

    • We’ve done a few rounds of Candyland with the gravatar, who happens to be closing in on 3-1/2. She really, really wants to move her piece to whichever special area catches her fancy at the moment. The last thing she wants is to get to the end!

  2. I am playing the “let’s see if I can somehow manage to turn in all my schoolwork on time” game. It badly needs a UX redesign, if you ask me, and maybe some better cutscenes.

    • But, at least, today I made it through that one level where I’ve been stuck all week.

  3. Working my way through Tomb Raider, thanks to Burt’s review. It’s quite Unchartedesque, minus the wisecracking humor (or any humor, really) but plus some niftier weapons and gadgets.

  4. My proto TF2 team had a scrim Friday and got a lesson in how much work we have to do.
    I played a round of BIT.TRIP.VOID – I love those games and I’ll probably go back to it a few more times this week.

    I haven’t decided what new game I want to try this week. Probably Don’t Starve or maybe Super Hexagon.

  5. I started playing Bioshock (the first, not Infinite) over the weekend. I truly suck at this game, so I am trying to decide if I want to restart on easy, persist through normal, or toss it as a reminder of why I rarely play shooters.

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