
I find myself idly wondering if either “The Last Stand” or “Bullet To The Head” is out on DVD yet, given the compressed time between movie releases and DVD releases these days (on top of that, both movies kinda tanked (and Bullet tanked HARD) at the box office) and… well, The Last Stand comes out in a couple of weeks and Bullet doesn’t come out until July.

So I’m back to looking at the copy of “Hobo With A Shotgun” that sits on my couch and wondering “how bad could it be?”

As for the stuff I *AM* actually watching, I’ve finished the first disk of Babylon 5 and have a handful of observations about that and, of course, I’m still reading The First Circle.

So… what are you watching and/or reading?


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to


  1. My one and only went to his father’s today. To celebrate I spent the day with… Wait for it… More kids! My niece and her two new baby twin brothers. As a result I watched Nanny McPhee and some sort of sequel, maybe? Playing with my niece (the boys are like a week old, so they just slept) and watching movies little girls like make me miss being a little girl :(.

    • Oh, dude. I infinitely prefer being a grownup. It’s sooooo much better than being a kid.

      The only good part about being a kid was stuff like “eternal summers” and “eternal afternoons”.

      • And dress up, and school, and playing in your moms make up, and crushing on boys, and firecrackers, and building sand castles, and tons of stuff!

  2. I finally finished The Americans. Afterwards, I did a quick scramble to see if it was renewed (it was!). I started The Following, which I like but Clancy does not.

      • Sorry dude!

        What’d you think? I guess Margo Martindale may not be back next season, depending if her other series gets picked up.

        Don’t open your door to grandma…she’s cold as ice.

        • V ernyyl, ernyyl yvxrq jung gurl qvq jvgu ure punenpgre. Abg gur ovg lbh ersre gb, ohg gur ovg jurer fur npghnyyl… zrnag jung fur fnvq. Fur jnf ba gurve fvqr. Vg’f bar bs gubfr guvatf jurer lbh sbetrg… bs pbhefr gung’f ubj guvatf ner tbvat gb jbex. Fur qvfnterrf, ohg fur fraqf vg ba qbja naljnl. V’q tbggra gbb zhpu va gur senzr bs zvaq bs gur Wraavatf’ gb erzrzore gung.

          V pna’g jnvg sbe arkg frnfba.

          V pna’g oryvrir guvf fubj unf zr ebbgvat sbe qvegl pbzzvr fcvrf. V’z fhpu n fhpxre.

          (Ba n fvqrabgr, V qvqa’g yvxr gurve unaqyvat bs Orrzna. Jung nobhg lbh?

          • Lrnu, V nterr, V yvxr gung gurl funqrq Tenaal va. Fur’f n ceb. Fur VF ybbxvat bhg sbe gur Wraavatf nf orfg fur pna, ohg fur nyfb trarenyyl sbyybjf beqref (gubhtu V tbg gur vzcerffvba gung ure “tenaqzn bs qrngu” npgvba jnf bss-obbx – fur svtherq fur jnf trggvat frag ubzr naljnl, fb fur zvtug nf jryy gnxr ure eriratr. “Lbh’yy or cnenylmrq sbe 20 zvahgrf…juvpu vf 10 zber zvahgrf guna vg jvyy gnxr lbh gb oyrrq bhg.”) V nyfb yvxr gung Nexnql jrag sebz na nccnerag zhfgnpur-gjveyre gb fbzrbar ernyyl pbzcrgrag naq frrzvatyl “gehfgjbegul”.

            Jr fgvyy qba’g xabj rknpgyl jung unccrarq va Orrzna’f haqrepbire Nelna Oebgureubbq onpxfgbel…jungrire vg vf, vg boivbhfyl zrffrq uvz hc ohg tbbq, naq uvf zbeny pbzcnff vf abg nf fgebat nf crbcyr gubhtug. Jung vf vg lbh qba’g yvxr?

            V unqa’g orra gung vzcerffrq jvgu gur npgerff jub cynlf uvf jvsr, ohg V gubhtug fur xabpxrq vg bhg bs gur cnex jura fur unq ure qehaxra oernxqbja/pbasebagngvba jvgu Orrzna va gur xvgpura.

            Crbcyr frrzrq fhecevfrq, ohg V unir gb fnl gung V sbergbyq Avan (er)syvccvat naq cynlvat Orrzna sebz gur svefg frpbaq gurl xvffrq; trggvat ure ubbxf vagb uvz jnf ure bayl ybat-grez fheiviny cynl. Cyhf fur vf JNL ubggre guna Orrzna. P’zba Orrzna, GUVAX. Ner lbh n fcl be jung?!

            ER: “ebbgvat” – gung vf ernyyl jrveq-srryvat, vfa’g vg? Gur fubj unf gevrq gb znxr lbh frr gurve CBI – abg whfg gurve cngevbgvfz gb gurve ubzrynaq naq gurve oryvrs gung vg vf va qnatre bs naavuvyngvba, ohg ol cerfragvat Cuvyvc’f nethzrag gung nf gur “rlrf ba gur tebhaq”, vg’f gurve erfcbafvovyvgl gb NIREG ahpyrne jne ol znxvat fher gurer ner ab nppvqragny HFFE zvfhaqrefgnaqvatf be zvfnccerurafvbaf nobhg gur pheerag fgngr bs ernyvgl va gur HFN.

            V unir gb fnl, gung’f n ernyyl vatravbhf whfgvsvpngvba zbenyyl (gurl nyfb cerfragrq gung Nzrevpna trareny jub gbyq gurz “Fgne Jnef” jnf n cvcr qernz nf fbzrjung zbeny – ur jnf na vqrnyvfg jub qbrfa’g jnag uhznavgl gb frr nabgure qnatrebhf naq qrfgehpgvir nezf enpr, engure guna n genvgbe) gung urycf jvgu nhqvrapr vqragvsvpngvba.

            Ohg ng gur fnzr gvzr, gur Wraavatf unir qbar fbzr fghss gung jnf ernyyl uneq gb whfgvsl – V pna yrg gur zheqref bs Nznqbe naq gur fpvragvfg fyvqr, bhg bs arprffvgl – ohg gung enaqbz frphevgl thneq, naq cbvfbavat gur pyrnavat ynql’f fba, jrer cerggl pbyq.

            Naq cbbe, cbbe Znegun. Nqinaprq Ehffvna jvt grpuabybtl vf tbvat gb oernx ure urneg naq cebonoyl ynaq ure va wnvy.

          • Tenaqzn bs Qrngu jnf qrsvavgryl bss-obbx, gubhtu V nz vagrerfgrq nf gb jub cynlrq gur arcurj. Cebonoyl abguvat bs fvtavsvpnapr.

            Zl ceboyrz jvgu Orrzna znl unir unq zber gb qb jvgu gur npgvat guna gur fpevcg, abj gung V guvax nobhg vg. Ur arire ernyyl sryg qvatrq hc ol gur Nelna guvat. Ur gnyxrq nobhg vg, ohg V arire sryg vg. Fb nf ur orpnzr haeniryrq, vg sryg… bss, fbzrubj. Rkprcg gung haeniryyrq vfa’g dhvgr evtug, orpnhfr ur onfvpnyyl sryy cerl gb engure onany vafgvapgf.

            Rire frr Crefba bs Vagrerfg? Gur npgerff jub cynlf Zef. Orrzna jnf gur sbezre ybir vagrerfg bs bar bs gur yrnqf bs gung fubj (Pninmvry, bqqyl gur bar jub cynlf gur sbezre ybir vagrerfg bs Rzrefba vf gur npgerff gung cynlrq uvf zbgure ba Ybfg).V guvax V jnf nyernql cnegvny gb ure orpnhfr bs gung. V nterr nobhg gur qehaxra frra, gubhtu. Cerggl jryy qbar.

            Ebbgvat sbe gur Wraavatf’ sryg n yvggyr ovg yvxr jura V sbhaq zlfrys ebbgvat sbe Ivp Znpxrl, gubhtu V guvax gur Wraavatf’ unir n zbeny pbzcnff gung Ivp ynpxf (gubhtu gurl unir irel qvssrerag zbeny pbzcnffrf sebz bar nabgure, juvpu jbexf bhg terng). Ohg naljnl, gurer ner guvatf gurl qb gung ner cerggl hasbetvinoyr. Naq lrg… naq lrg…

            Bar bs gur guvatf gur fubj unzzref ubzr vf gur rkgrag gb juvpu gur fcvrf’ yvirf ner abg gurve bja. Va nal frafr, ernyyl. V graq gb guvax gung Ryvmnorgu’f ergnyyvngvba ntnvafg Tenaqzn vf va n jnl ure bja eroryyvba ntnvafg gung. Fur pna’g erory ntnvafg ure ngurvfg-oyrffrq (no religion) zbgureynaq, fb fur (sne, sne zber guna Cuvyyvc!) eroryf ntnvafg ure.

            V nterr nobhg Znegun. Ure qrfverf ner fb onfvp. Gur guvatf gung znxr zr srry onq sbe ure ner cerpvfryl jung znxrf ure ihyarenoyr gb gur urnqcvrpr. Fcrnxvat bs juvpu, gung zhfg or n cerggl njrfbzr urnqcvrpr sbe uvz gb or noyr gb unir frk jvgu vg ba jvgubhg ure xabjvat gung vg’f ba.

          • The Soviets were 50 years ahead of us in wig technology. God help us all if “The Donald” ever gets hold of one their tactical toupees, 5 of which went missing when the USSR fell.

  3. I wrapped up American Gods. It might have actually been better than I remembered. Now I have to wait for my friends to read it, so we can plan our next book club get-together.

    I got started on The Dragon Reborn, which I am not sure if I read before or not. I thought I had read the first three books of the series, but I am starting to think I only read the first two.

    I finished up Arrested Development, so I will be ready when the new episodes come out. It was a funny series, but was anyone else bothered by the excessive incest jokes? With Arrested Development done, I have started Community, Season 2.

    • My experience of American Gods was of four quarters of the book. The first quarter was good. The second quarter was, holy cow… this is good… The third quarter was HOLY CRAP THIS BOOK IS AMAZING. The last quarter was… good.

      Which leaves me feeling weird and different from, say, a book that starts mediocre and works its way up to “pretty decent” at the end.

      • The stuff at the end reminds me of the Scouring of the Shire. Not content wise, but pacing wise. There is a big climax to wrap up the main plot, then a mini-adventure for the main character.

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