So, on that last post. Reasons why The Matrix: Reloaded is More of a Letdown than The Phantom Menace We Already Knew (or Should Have Known) The Phantom Menace was coming Greginak and Tod got this one. George Lucas deserves… Continue Reading
So, on that last post. Reasons why The Matrix: Reloaded is More of a Letdown than The Phantom Menace We Already Knew (or Should Have Known) The Phantom Menace was coming Greginak and Tod got this one. George Lucas deserves… Continue Reading
The good doctor asked over at his section o’ the League about things that disappoint. It’s been suggested here that I have the ability to will long comment threads into existence; also here it’s been suggested here that a good… Continue Reading
I live on the block that is the Halloween block. It’s like the block that is the Christmas Decorations Block, if you don’t know what I’m talking about, here. If you still don’t know what I’m talking about, it’s that… Continue Reading
The following post contains some minor spoilers for the series of Conan stories, not the movie. If you’ve never read them, and you want to go in fresh, don’t go under the fold.
Computer nerds historically freak out whenever someone in a movie sits down at a terminal and starts using a computer, since the computers in movies typically look nothing at all like actual real computer terminals. This is the first time… Continue Reading
To assist brother blogger Jaybird, I’m offering this (without an edit cycle) to entertain you, the gentle reader on an otherwise slow Thursday. In my welcome post I listed movies from 1971 to 2008 that I found of interest to… Continue Reading
As the regular readers (we have regular readers?) may know, I’ve signed up to co-blog over here at Mindless Diversions. I really should have a nice, pithy, smart, tight post ready to go for my O.P., but I’ve already done… Continue Reading
So… what are you listening to? The Magnetic Fields came out with a concept album called 69 Love Songs a decade or so ago. Now, of course, they’re not songs about love as much as songs about being in love… Continue Reading
The following post contains not just major spoilers for, but a review of, Rango (now in theaters). It also has middlin’ spoilers for a handful of Bugs Bunny cartoons, The Man Who Knew Too Little, and major spoilers for Galaxy… Continue Reading
This essay may contain stuff you consider middlin’ spoilers for various entries of the Star Wars Sextology and minor spoilers for Fiddler on the Roof. It also contains a full-throated recommendation for Knights of the Old Republic (also available for XBox).… Continue Reading