Critter Concerns
Friday and Saturday we had ants in the kitchen. And no, Spungen, they were not odiferous, at least not to me — but then again my sinuses have been causing me so much trouble for the past two weeks it’s… Continue Reading
Friday and Saturday we had ants in the kitchen. And no, Spungen, they were not odiferous, at least not to me — but then again my sinuses have been causing me so much trouble for the past two weeks it’s… Continue Reading
I’m not sure what to think of NASA’s plan to establish a permanent, manned based on the moon. On the one hand, I think it would be very good for science and space exploration, and all of the knowledge and… Continue Reading
My formatting bar has vanished. My insert link and insert picture tools have vanished. I can now once again edit the time of the post and allow or disallow comments on particular posts, but this is a small consolation. What… Continue Reading
The day before the election, Donald Rumsfeld sent George W. Bush a memo about our continuing activity in Iraq that said a few remarkable things: “In my view it is time for a major adjustment … Clearly, what U.S. forces… Continue Reading
Friday, the Supreme Court ordered a grant of certiorari to the case of Morse v. Frederick. In this case, a high school student in Juneau, Alaska arrived late to school on the day in 2002 when the Olympic torch was… Continue Reading
I go downstairs to the kitchen this morning to let the dogs in and get some breakfast. To my great displeasure, I see a line of small black ants walking across a kitchen counter. Before killing them all and wiping… Continue Reading
Keith Ellison, a Democrat from Minnesota, has recently been elected to Congress. This is not so remarkable — we all know by now that there are going to be a lot of Democrat freshmen serving in the next Congress. It… Continue Reading