We’ve got a TV in the hotel room here in Waukesha. It’s strange to have the TV at all. And then, we don’t have as much control over what it does as we would like. We have to watch what… Continue Reading
We’ve got a TV in the hotel room here in Waukesha. It’s strange to have the TV at all. And then, we don’t have as much control over what it does as we would like. We have to watch what… Continue Reading
My in-laws enjoy playing board games when The Wife and I come to visit. Last night, with my brother-in-law around, we had five for dinner and games. So the game of choice was Clue. They have a classic game —… Continue Reading
Hertz did something very, very right. They equipped their rental car with an I-Pass for the northern Illinois tollways. We shot right through the toll booths. (At least, the ones that weren’t already slow from the highway construction.) By the… Continue Reading
A lot of places that I have traveled, especially east of the Mississippi, have a fetish about softening their water. Is the manganese content of water here in lovely Waukesha really so high that this is necessary? I hate softened… Continue Reading
This is a special shout-out to the guy who sat in seat 32B on United Flight 132 from San Francisco to Chicago O’Hare on September 17, 2008. You know who you are. Thanks to United Airlines’ policy of overbooking every… Continue Reading
Well, first we’re leaving on a turboprop, and then on a jet plane. As this post is published, The Wife and I should be on a plane to San Francisco and then on to Chicago to rent a car and… Continue Reading
This phrase may soon change its meaning. “Lipstick on a pig” was a colloquialism to mean “spin” or unsuccessfully trying to put a good face on a very bad situation. It is turning into verbal shorthand for “insincere but politically… Continue Reading
Continuing in a vein from the past post, here’s a reminder to all my American bloggers that they should cherish and be thankful for their freedoms. In Italy, it is a crime to mock the Pope. After warming up with… Continue Reading
Carly Fiornia, formerly the CEO of Hewlett-Packard, seems to think that Tina Fey’s portrayal of Sarah Palin on SNL was “sexist” because it was superficial and “dismissive of the substance” that Gov. Palin actually brings to the table. Well, that’s… Continue Reading