Watch the entire video. The first forty-five seconds or so got me mad. Then it got really, really good. I was watery-eye proud at the end.
No safe harbor for bigotry.
UPDATE: I can’t stand the video auto-playing when the entire blog is loaded up, so I took the embed out. But please watch the video here. I’m convinced, after some looking into it, that this was not a set-up (as some have accused it of being).
Notice it’s bigotry when it’s against Islam. Is there any video like this (on this blog)showing some fighting for Christianity?blogger went out of his/her way to trigger it to play
If you want to contend that Christians are somehow an oppressed minority or that there is prevalent anti-Christian bigotry out there in the United States, you’re free to offer whatever evidence you have to that effect.Me, I don’t see a lot of Muslims or atheists urging people to not vote for John McCain because he’s a secret Christian and therefore can’t be trusted. But I do see some Christians saying that Obama is secretly a Muslim and therefore that he can’t be trusted. And I do see some Christians saying that you shouldn’t vote for Kay Hagan because she accepted a campaign donation from a group of openly atheist people. That sort of thing is bigotry; do you have a better word for it?I also see other Christians — like in the video — protesting this sort of thing and trying to get their more obnoxious co-religionists to behave themselves.And I have no idea why the video plays automatically. I didn’t do that intentionally and I wish it didn’t do that.
Oh, and let me add something. It’s not clear from the video that the bigot in the red shirt was a Christian, and we should not assume that he is one. He could be an atheist for all I know. Most of the Christians I have met are not bigots and I do not equate subscription to the Christian faith with bigotry.The only things we can tell about him are that 1) he is prejudied against Muslims and that he thought he’s find a receptive audience to his message of hate at a McCain rally — and 2) that he got his bigoted ass righteously chased out of there by the campaign and by a diverse group of McCain supports.Which makes me very happy.