One thing that us atheists are all about, it’s babies.
I like mine grilled with teriyaki sauce but they’re also good sliced thin with some mayo and onions on a hoagie roll. Umm, I mean…
Seriously, though, a lot of religous groups offer support and suggestions and ideas to their parents. Atheists typically lack a support network, and some friends of mine have been working for a while to help fill that gap with an online community.
So this morning, I want to give a shout-out to my peeps at, where you can find a variety of articles witten from a rationalist perspective on subjects like what to tell your kids when their friends bring up religion, ideas for how to handle religious grandparents, and some nice stories to tell your kids at bedtime. The forum is also an active marketplace of ideas, where you can explore the idea that you don’t need God to be a good parent.
Drop on by their site, check them out. Even if you’re religious you might learn something useful; parents need all the help they can get.