Accurate? No. Amusing? Yes.
Shamelessly hotlinked from Instapundit.
Shamelessly hotlinked from Instapundit.
When the weather starts to turn nice, sitting outside and writing is a very pleasant way to spend a late afternoon. Writers have done this for a long time, but only in the most recent generation have they done so… Continue Reading
There are times I admire groups like Americans United for Separation of Church and State, the ACLU, or American Atheists. The ACLU often does principled work to protect individual freedoms and absorbs the blowback of unpopularity aimed its way by… Continue Reading
One of the things that makes the United States of America truly exceptional in the world is the our truly amazing system of higher education. Think about the very top universities in the world. How many of them are in… Continue Reading
The Republican Party needs a new direction and a new leader. Meghan McCain is obviously not that person, but I could live with her being a minor figurehead. Especially after she drops this bomb — her beef with Ann Coulter.… Continue Reading
As intended, over the weekend The Wife and I went to see Watchmen. I’m not going to review it in detail because I was going to like it no matter what, although after having really enjoyed the depth and complexity… Continue Reading
Religious and atheist blogs and websites will have much to twitter about today as the results of the new American Religious Identification Survey is released. This is a telephone survey of a sample size somewhere around fifty-five thousand people, which… Continue Reading
The Gray Lady reviewer didn’t really like Watchmen, but it said this about the movie: the ideal viewer — or reviewer, as the case may be — of the “Watchmen” movie would probably be a mid-’80’s college sophomore with a… Continue Reading
A quick bit of armchair fiddling around gives me this experiment: Let’s take a taxpayer who makes $60,000 a year in taxable income in 2009, and normalize that for the various years I looked at earlier. I’m assuming that this… Continue Reading
I want to point out that last night, after considerable analysis of tax tables going back to 1945, I discovered something quite interesting. Individual income tax rates, whether high or low, seem to have little direct correlation with whether the… Continue Reading