One minor benefit to suffering from rhinovirus or whatever the hell it is that has me coughing and sniffling all the time is NyQuil. Sickly-sweet, the very taste of illness, it contains a powerful ingredient that knocks me out and gets me to sleep quickly after I take it. And I have the strangest dreams. Like my cat morphing into a horse with a long ostrich neck but keeping her face. Or a rain of cherries. Actually, I think it would hurt to be in a rain of cherries if they’ve fallen from any height at all, but in my dream it was somewhat pleasant. I don’t like waking up at 2:30 totally dehydrated but you know what? If I need the stuff I’ll take it and deal with the drying-out because that beats the hell out of the alternative. I am, however, really really ready for this to be past me.