LoOGies In Error

I’ve noticed a remarkable uptick in typos lately. People using the wrong words, often phonetically similar ones. Straight-out goof-ups.

This is not a complaint. This is a self-esteem booster.

I’m not the only one!

Will Truman

Will Truman is the Editor-in-Chief of Ordinary Times. He is also on Twitter.


  1. Everything I do… is according… to plan.

    Muh. Huhuh. Muh-hhwhaahahahaahaa!

  2. I find that I am far more likely to make errors on the sub-blogs where I cannot edit my comments than on the main blog or MD where I can.

  3. Irregardless of any typos, I think that it’s vittal to give free reign to our thought’s.

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