Clearing Out The Clippings, No. 41
A doctor, lawyer, or engineer may become wealthy, but the real meaning of their work is that they sustain health, justice, good government, or safety. – Chris Hedges
A doctor, lawyer, or engineer may become wealthy, but the real meaning of their work is that they sustain health, justice, good government, or safety. – Chris Hedges
Some men want whores on the eve of battle, and some want gods. Jon wondered who felt better afterward. – George R.R. Martin
The First Amendment to the United States Constitution reads: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the… Continue Reading
“In the days of my own prosperity things had seemed to me to be very well arranged.” Now from his new point of view he was to find they were no arranged at all; that government was a compromise of… Continue Reading
I’ve noticed a remarkable uptick in typos lately. People using the wrong words, often phonetically similar ones. Straight-out goof-ups. This is not a complaint. This is a self-esteem booster. I’m not the only one!
This post is a test. This post is only a test. The multitude of comments to follow are also only a part of the test.
Alabama has the most of these with 15, followed by North Carolina with 10 and then Georgia and Texas with 9 each. Most states do not have any. The western-most is in Texas, the northern-most is in or around Detroit,… Continue Reading
…[T]here was an extraordinary mental resistance to discovery and invention for at least a hundred years after the scientific revolution had begun. Each new thing made its way into practice against a scepticism that amounted at times to hostility. –… Continue Reading
…[W]henever serious and competent people need to get things done in the real world, all considerations of tradition and protocol fly out the window. – Neal Stephenson
Cultures that cannot distinguish between illusion and reality die. The dying gasps of all empires, from the Aztecs to the ancient Romans to the French monarchy and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, have been characterized by a disconnect between the elites and… Continue Reading