Hoodies Up

I have inadvertently joined the Hoodies Brigade. I was cleaning up and going through some old boxes the other day, and I found a long-lost hoodie of my alma mater that got lost in the last move (it was put with my wife’s white coats, which she doesn’t wear). since then I have been wearing it quite a bit to protect myself from the fierce Arapahoan winds. I’ve yet to hear anybody out here so much as comment on the Zimmerman/Martin issue, so any unintended reference is not likely to be picked up. And since crime out here is virtually non-existent (each week they publish the arrests and convictions of the week in the local newspaper, the two combined take up very little space and mostly consist of automobile moving violations), I’m not worried about whatever Arapaho’s vigilante laws are.

Tangential, by way of Dr. Φ I ran across some news out of Germany:

RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany — In a show of solidarity for slain Florida teenager Trayvon Martin, more than 230 students at Ramstein High School wore hooded sweatshirts or jackets to class Tuesday as part of a peaceful demonstration they called “Hoodies Up.”

The intent was to show that wearing a hoodie should not make a person appear threatening, said 17-year-old senior Caleb Guerrido, one of five students who came up with the idea of wearing hoodies to school. […]

Since wearing a hood is against the school dress code, the students had to get the OK for the event from RHS principal Greg Hatch.

Hatch, who approved the request on condition that they get permission from their classroom teachers, said he told them that hoodies aren’t allowed in school for safety and security reasons. If something happens in the hall and a student is wearing a hoodie, it might be hard to figure out who was involved, he said.

Will Truman

Will Truman is the Editor-in-Chief of Ordinary Times. He is also on Twitter.

One Comment

  1. There are hundreds of articles about the Trayvon Martin tragedy. The outrage is not because a white man killed a black man — but because the Sanford police department covered up the murder.

    – What if the police department were the NYPD?

    – What if the victim had been kidnapped and threatened with death by NYPD detectives?

    – What if the victim requested protection form the FBI?

    – What if the victim posted a Youtube video revealing felonies by a NY State Supreme Court Judge, and NAMED the people who were going to kill him?

    – What if the victim was then bludgeoned to death on a deserted street, miles from his home?

    – What if the ER doctor lied about the cause of death, claiming the victim died of an “aneurism” with “no trauma”.

    – What if NYPD detectives illegally removed the body from the hospital hours after death and sent it to the morgue for cremation, claiming claiming “natural death”.

    – What if the Medical Examiner contradicted the NYPD and the ER and ruled the cause of death “Blunt force trauma with skull fractures and brain injuries” & the manner of death “suspicious”.

    – What if the NYPD denied all FOIL requests for information?

    – What if the Commissioner of the NYPD ignored letters requesting an explanation?

    – What if THEN – as in the Trayvon Martin case – the police refused to investigate?

    Those are the precise circumstances of the death of corruption whistleblower Sunny Sheu, yet not ONE mainstream media venue has reported this story.


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