Burt Likko

Pseudonymous Portlander. Homebrewer. Atheist. Recovering litigator. Recovering Republican. Recovering Catholic. Recovering divorcé. Recovering Former Editor-in-Chief of Ordinary Times. House Likko's Words: Scite Verum. Colite Iusticia. Vivere Con Gaudium.


  1. Softball ain’t the half of it. It created the PERFECT opportunity to suck up to your wife.

    • Burt finally made up for that one time lo those many years ago when he forgot his anniversary.

  2. Ha.

    My new year’s resolution is to laugh more.

    I doubt it will actually make me prettier, but it will certainly make me easier to live with. And that’s pretty good.

      • Absolutely. I don’t know where anyone came up with the idea that a non-smiling woman is attractive. On the first outing of my wife and I, which only became a first date in retrospect, we got half lost and ended up running wildly across the Cal campus searching for the basketball arena, laughing madly all the time. I already knew she was pretty, but it was the laughter that made me fall for her.

  3. I’ve seen Burt’s wife laugh, and I can confirm that his answer is 100% true. It’s no contest, really.

    • In my imagination, Burt and his wife laugh together at the clouds, shaped like animals roaming the sky. And despite Burt’s color, which suggests a touch of jaundice, I’m thinking they are much prettier then the clouds, which look ferocious and glowering, no pink gloaming in sight to tame them.

      • In my part of the world, clouds are indeed spectacular to look at. Big clumulus clouds with flat bottoms and billowy, cottony tops, crowned atop by the wispy cirrus clouds in all manner of fanciful shapes and designs. Those become my favorite as the sun sets. The sky behind them turns from blue to navy to royal to purple to black, the baroque ribbons crossing the sky dance with the fading light, changing from white to pink to copper.

        Still I prefer the sight of my wife laughing.

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