Enter The Transplanted Geek

Greetings, everyone. Burt has been so kind as to invite me to co-blog here at NaPP. Though he named this site for reasons of his own, it is serendipitous that I should join, because I have moved around and lived in four different states in the last five years or so and five different places over the last decade. On my day-blog, Hit Coffee, I have a rather elaborate alternate United States in order to kick dirt over my tracks and preserve my anonymity, though I will try to keep required note-taking here to a minimum*. Basically, I’ve lived in the urban south, ruralish Mormon west, urban southwest, urban Pacific Northwest, and now the rural Mountain West, moving around place to place while Dr. Wife has gotten her extensive medical training.

Hit Coffee is a pointedly non-political blog, for the most part. Enough so that I have been writing there for over five years and only this week (partly in preparation for this gig) did I cop to my party affiliation. In a previous life, I was a political blogger and I stopped finding it enjoyable as the entire discussion always rotated around debates over which side, which set of politicians, and which subsets of each side, was the most despicable. So I swore off politics. It’s to The League’s credit that I feel so comfortable getting back into it here. That said, it’s going to be different this time around because I am different.

And so I am going to start out by saying something few bloggers say: I don’t really know what economic and social policies will make this country a better place. I have my policy preferences, but they can best be described as “uncertain” most of the time and I can be described as being alienated from all sides. I am nominally a Republican (voting both ways, but that way more than the other), in part due to inertia and in part due to the sense that I vaguely remain somewhere to the right of the political center. Some days I feel it, some days I feel like that guy who wears his wedding ring long after the divorce has been finalized simply because he has no one else. So I will not be a partisan warrior, and I am a pretty crummy advocate these days.

Instead, my aim is to share my ideas, some I believe strongly but more the ones I am uncertain about. Putting thoughts and ideas out there. And, in some cases, asking questions and often thinking with my fingers, reasoning out issues and conflicts as I see them.

Addendum: While I do intend to keep Trumanverse limited here, I am taking submissions for the lone unnamed state, which consists of the “Delmarva” peninsula, as well as possible north/south names for a Plymouth split.

Will Truman

Will Truman is the Editor-in-Chief of Ordinary Times. He is also on Twitter.


  1. Looking forward to your posts – sounds like I ended about about the same place you did, but from the other direction.

  2. Since you asked, I would call North Plymouth “Plymouth”, South Plymouth, “New England”, and call what you call New England “Adirondack” or “Champlain”

    Delmarva is actually a perfectly crommulent name, but alternatively “Chesapeake” works.

    • I really like Adirondack and Champlain. Moving New England to one of the Plymouth states makes sense, though I might flip those two.

      I was already leaning towards Chesapeake, I think you cemented it.

  3. Welcome to the League. Fitting for the cape and tights is at 1 PM (after lunch, to allow for, uh, ‘adequate nutrition room’) 🙂

    • The real question is whether I will be able to get the requisite bowler hat. I have a very large head, you see, and I’m not sure if the League keeps my size in stock.

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