Best Hit Ad In The Race So Far
Does Hillary Clinton waffle on issues? John Edwards sure thinks so, and there’s some pretty good evidence to that effect:
Does Hillary Clinton waffle on issues? John Edwards sure thinks so, and there’s some pretty good evidence to that effect:
To the right is a portrait of a religious fanatic and a terrorist. Sure, he looks like a pilgrim ready to make nice with the Indians over some turkey and cranberries, but this was not a nice man. 402 years… Continue Reading
I’m old enough, educated enough, and cynical enough that I ought to be proof against disappointment in politicians. I do not imagine that there was ever a time that politicians were honest and that they said what they meant all… Continue Reading
Baptist preacher and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee told the Republican primary debate audience last week that he admired the signers of the Declaration of Independence, “most of whom, by the way, were clergymen.” That would have been true if… Continue Reading
James Carville recently predicted that Jeb Bush would be the Republican nominee for President. Too bold a prediction for 2008; I don’t see that happening now, but I could see Jeb stepping up to the plate the next time around,… Continue Reading
John McCain blatantly sucked up to the Religious Right yesterday, telling a group called Beliefnet that ”the Constitution established the United States of America as a Christian nation". I wonder, Senator, if you could point me to the section of… Continue Reading
In a blog I very much enjoy, the author take Rudy Giuliani to task for referencing 9/11 too much by putting that style in George Washington’s mouth. But what if Washington had faced opposition like there is today? What if… Continue Reading
How much does it really matter if the next President is Hillary Clinton, Rudy Giuliani, or someone else? Realistically, the following things are going to happen no matter who sits in the Oval Office: We’re still going to have troops… Continue Reading
I can’t believe that Rudy Giuliani took a phone call from his wife in the middle of a speech — a speech to the NRA, to boot. Judy Giuliani would not be the first First Lady to misbehave and cause… Continue Reading
A lot of Republicans were upset about’s “General Betray Us” advertisement. Indeed, a lot of sensible Democrats thought it was a bonehead play. But instead of being another right-wing whiner, Rudy Giuliani did something about it. He asked for,… Continue Reading