GOP Debate
At Oval Office 2008, I offer an objective assessment of the candidate forum last night at the Ronald Reagan Library. As you might expect, I was rooting for my candidate, but even so I have to assess that there was… Continue Reading
At Oval Office 2008, I offer an objective assessment of the candidate forum last night at the Ronald Reagan Library. As you might expect, I was rooting for my candidate, but even so I have to assess that there was… Continue Reading
Eugene Volokh suggests that “exploiting 9/11” is really the political process working as intended. I agree with Prof. Volokh that a past incidence of a politician’s response to an emergency situation is probably the best and most telling thing that… Continue Reading
I have initially been moderately discomfited but at the same time fascinated with the phenomenon of Fred Thompson being wooed by social conservatives to seek the Presidency. Note that Thompson has still not even so much as formed an exploratory… Continue Reading
Ann Althouse offers about the best reconciliation possible. Knowing anything about the D&X procedure is a sure-fire gross-out, and Rudy’s current position (pro-choice but anti-D&X) is probably in line with that of the majority of Americans. But I can understand… Continue Reading
A new post at Oval Office 2008 by Yours Truly, this time about Democrats (mostly). Oh, they like this guy. And there’s lots of reasons why they should. He’s new, he’s charismatic, he’s good-looking, he’s against the war, he’s raising… Continue Reading
A few thoughts at Oval Office 2008 about the Fred Thompson phenomenon, for those of you who come here for the politics.
My posts on Oval Office are supposed to be objective thoughts about the race. This post is advocacy, so it goes here. Rudy Giuliani is going to take some criticism for his handling of 9/11 in the next few days… Continue Reading
Senators Obama and McCain are using one another as foils to appeal to their parties’ ideologically-motivated elements. I ask, are they wise for executing traditional “run outside, then run inside” strategies?
It’s official; I’m now a blogger on Oval Office 2008. It should be fun co-blogging with a bunch of other political junkies, especially ones of a variety of political persuasions and backgrounds. The blogmaster is British, which gives him an… Continue Reading
I can’t say whether continuing his campaign for President is the right decision for John Edwards or not. That’s a call that only he and his family can make, given his wife’s very unfortunate medical condition. Certainly they are well… Continue Reading