Serves Its Purpose
For the past month or so, John McCain has been struggling to get noticed by, well, pretty much anyone. He’s found a way to touch a nerve, though — the “celebrity” ad that his campaign put together and is running… Continue Reading
For the past month or so, John McCain has been struggling to get noticed by, well, pretty much anyone. He’s found a way to touch a nerve, though — the “celebrity” ad that his campaign put together and is running… Continue Reading
Barack Obama should not be off limits for humor. Unfortunately, I haven’t heard a whole lot funny about him. The only joke I’ve heard yet at his expense came in the by-now obligatory JibJab cartoon. So it’s a relief to… Continue Reading
In a brief but provocative essay, George Mason University historian Rick Shenkman plugs his new book How Stupid Are We?: Facing The Truth About The American Voter with an exceedingly cynical and, in my opinion, piercingly accurate observation: Americans refer… Continue Reading
Senator Obama was expected to enjoy something of a bounce in the polls after locking up the nomination. At least according to Rasmussen, that’s gone now. Obama and McCain are tied at 46% each in a two-way preference matchup. If… Continue Reading
John Sidney McCain III, the presumptive Republican nominee for President in 2008, was born in the Panama Canal Zone in 1936, the son of two U.S. citizens. There is a way of interpreting case and statutory law to indicate that… Continue Reading
From The Edge Of The American West.
Looks like now that Obama is the Democratic party’s nominee, and he needs to run to the center and otherwise appeal to middle America for votes, he’s retiring another part of his campaign: fist bumps. And it’s a shame. I… Continue Reading
It’s entirely fair to ask Barack Obama what he thinks about same-sex marriage. It is not difficult to foresee President Obama called upon to sign or veto a bill repealing the Federal Defense of Marriage Act. Someone who thinks this… Continue Reading
A while back, I took a bet. I bet Michael Reynolds a bottle of our respective favorite scotches on the outcome of the Presidential election. (Now, I know that gambling on the outcome of an election is illegal in the… Continue Reading
Footnote — July 3, 2008: At dinner tonight, the subject of Wesley Clark’s attack on Senator McCain came up. I reminded The Wife of what happened — “Wesley Clark is the guy who dissed John McCain.” A friend interjected, “That’s… Continue Reading