Yeah, they really mean it. You can totally tell.
Yeah, they really mean it. You can totally tell.
Politics is not subtle. Never that. But I think this is oh, just a bit on the arrogant side: The Obama campaign unveiled this today, at a meeting in Chicago with most of the Democratic Governors of the various states.… Continue Reading
Here’s the thing. I’ve never voted for a Democrat for President, ever. I always thought Michael Dukakis was a bigger doof that George Bush the Elder; I never, ever trusted a word that came out of Bill Clinton’s mouth; Al… Continue Reading
Question: Is this story making the rounds of the internets because: A) Fox News crosses the line of propriety and is showing bias against presumptive Democratic nominee Barack Obama? B) Once again, mainstream media demonstrates a tin ear with respect… Continue Reading
I thought Bush’s economic stimulus was financially and politically irresponsible. Which hasn’t stopped me from griping that I still haven’t got my damn check. I’ll be paying interest on it for the rest of my taxpaying life whether I get… Continue Reading
This, by the way, is a serious attack on Obama, one that could do him some damage.
Seems to me that he could pretty easily say to himself, “You know what, I’m sick of her shit. I do NOT need four (or worse yet, eight) more years of it coming from within my own Administration. Thanks but… Continue Reading
Six months ago, looking out at the world of politics, I knew a few things for sure: 1. The Republicans had a mess on their hands. No viable leader for the social conservative movement was stepping up to the plate… Continue Reading
Here’s a not very far-fetched scenario for November: Obama carries these states: California (55), Colorado (9), Connecticut (7), Delaware (3), District of Columbia (3), Hawaii (4), Illinois (21), Iowa (7), Maine (4), Maryland (10), Massachusetts (12), Michigan (17), Minnesota (10),… Continue Reading
Sufficient numbers of superdelegates, and sufficient stopgap proportional results from other states trickling in, and maybe even the Edwards endorsement, places the idea of BHO clinching the Democratic nomination before going in to the convention within the realm of realistic… Continue Reading