No commentary necessary.
Doggie Personal Ads
OH BOY ANOTHER DOG MY FAVORITE! Easily-excited neutered GerShep mix gets very excited to meet new dogs, come over for play and friendship! Enjoys speaking, sitting pretty, rolling over, and playing dead for treats, chasing sticks, humping other dogs, eating… Continue Reading
Time To Get Out Of The Water
I agree with the guy who says he won’t dive with Humboldt squid for the same reason he won’t walk into a pride of lions on the Serengeti. Some things in the water are dangerous and sharks are actually only… Continue Reading
If I Volunteer To Rescue Animals, What’s My Cut Of The Action?
When you Christians get raptured, you know that I won’t be. I’m an atheist and I have blasphemed as set forth in Mark 3:29.* So I wonder what share of the fee I get for working for these people? *… Continue Reading
Skunk Smell In The Desert
In all the years I’ve lived in this part of California, I don’t think I’ve ever smelled or seen a skunk out on the desert floor. Up in the mountains, I’ve smelled skunks but I don’t know if I’ve ever… Continue Reading
A Promise Keeper?
Thanks to the miracle of the Internets, we will be able to follow the progress of our new President in fulfilling his campaign promises. Or not. From the same folks who brought you the Truth-O-Meter during the campaign, presenting… the… Continue Reading
Banana Cake
A special holiday present for The Wife was cake decorating lesssons. A downside to that is that efforts to lose weight are hampered by the fact that now she’s baking cakes all the time. She made a white cake with… Continue Reading
The Wife’s friend from work is going to be out of town for a few days, and she agreed to host their two daschunds here at Soffit House while they were gone. These are the first boy-animals we’ve had in… Continue Reading
A Happy Ending To A Sad Story
Well, my dad did a feel-good post on his blog, and I felt inspired to match him. So when I stumbled across a story about whatever happened to Michael Vick’s fighting dogs, I knew I had the right thing to… Continue Reading