Realism In Bumper Sticker Form
From The Edge Of The American West.
From The Edge Of The American West.
We revere our Founding Fathers, more than anything else because they led the fight for our independence, against a global superpower. They threw the glove at King George III two hundred and thirty-two years ago today. It’s useful to remember… Continue Reading
It’s not that a single man as Vice-President seems kind of, well, queer to some folks. After all, Charlie Crist is just the Governor of Florida. He didn’t even go to Arizona with Mitt Romney to meet with John McCain… Continue Reading
Jazz singer Rene Marie was asked to sing the national anthem at the “State of the City” speech in Denver. Instead, she sang a song called “Lift Ev’ry Voice And Sing.” I suppose I just plain can’t pretend to be… Continue Reading
A while back, I took a bet. I bet Michael Reynolds a bottle of our respective favorite scotches on the outcome of the Presidential election. (Now, I know that gambling on the outcome of an election is illegal in the… Continue Reading
Footnote — July 3, 2008: At dinner tonight, the subject of Wesley Clark’s attack on Senator McCain came up. I reminded The Wife of what happened — “Wesley Clark is the guy who dissed John McCain.” A friend interjected, “That’s… Continue Reading
To call someone a “hypocrite” is usually a pretty bad thing. No one enjoys being called that and it seems to be a fairly stinging sort of insult. For instance, Senators Larry Craig and David Vitter are both “family values”… Continue Reading
Yeah, they really mean it. You can totally tell.
A challenge to the Defense of Bigotry Initiative has been lodged. I think it should be rejected, for some of the same reasons that Eugene Volokh suggests. A “revision” to the Constitution is something that changes the basic structure of… Continue Reading
If Donald Rumsfeld had endorsed McCain, I’d be thinking twice about McCain’s strong suit of foreign and military policy. But it looks like the Rumsfelds backed Romney and the former Pentagon head honcho and living press conference quip factory is… Continue Reading