Slate opens up the deathwatch with a great graphic of Hillary on the bow of a sinking Titanic, and sets her odds of getting the nomination at 12%. This is the sort of thing that really moves copy — it’s… Continue Reading
Slate opens up the deathwatch with a great graphic of Hillary on the bow of a sinking Titanic, and sets her odds of getting the nomination at 12%. This is the sort of thing that really moves copy — it’s… Continue Reading
If it seems like I’m piling on Hillary’s campaign, it’s because there’s so much material to work with. On September 18, 2001, Senator Clinton spoke about former First Daughter and now high-priced management consultant Chelsea Clinton’s involvement with the horrific… Continue Reading
If the name Richard Mellon Scaife doesn’t mean anything to you, then you probably have no idea why this picture is so extraordinary. But trust me, it is. Scaife is the moneymaster of what Hillary Rodham Clinton, as First Lady,… Continue Reading
Volunteer support doesn’t win elections, but it sure helps. So when you get things like this splattered all over the Internets, a few reactions come to mind: “It’s Raining McCain“? Jean-Luc’s reaction to this is the same as mine: If… Continue Reading
You may remember that as First Lady, Hillary Clinton took her daughter on a state visit to Bosnia, and when their plane landed in Tuzla, there was a big panic because they and their greeting party came under sniper fire.… Continue Reading
Take these results with a grain of salt, but the end result is plausible enough. Rasmussen took two separate polls in each state, one with Clinton agianst McCain and the other with Obama against McCain, and simply averaged the results… Continue Reading
Ouch. That that, Hillary! By the way, the meme this week is that it’s going to be next to impossible for Hillary Clinton to get the nomination. Once again, NAPP Readers, you heard it here first. I’ve been wrong before.… Continue Reading
Both of his supporters are expected to follow suit.
Why have we heard next to nothing from Hillary Clinton — who is obviously desperate to find some way to regain momentum against Barack Obama — about this whole Jeremiah Wright thing? Because, as it turns out, she’s vulnerable on… Continue Reading
Looks like three times this year, someone was snooping around without authorization in Barack Obama’s passport file. The people who did it were private contractors, and the State Department says that it looks more like idle curiosity than something political… Continue Reading