Without my laptop and the six months’ worth of information stored on it, I have very little way to access a lot of knowledge that I need. I feel unarmed to take on the world. For instance, today I wanted… Continue Reading
Without my laptop and the six months’ worth of information stored on it, I have very little way to access a lot of knowledge that I need. I feel unarmed to take on the world. For instance, today I wanted… Continue Reading
Since I’m soon going to no longer be a transplant in Tennessee, the blog name needs to change. I’ve decided to go back to my first choice of titles for a blog about a lawyer. Lawyers of my vintage will… Continue Reading
He is a supporter of the $100-per-taxpayer extension of the deficit intended to bribe voters into keeping the Republicans in power with our children’s money. And he thinks that a constitutional amendment protecting the flag from being burned in legitimate… Continue Reading
Among other problems, I took a bath last week. American Physicians slid three points, Apollo Group slid half a point, Ford lost 1% of its value, Boston Beer lost a quarter point, Rural/Metro lost half a point, and my big… Continue Reading
I had a bad day. My video card on the laptop went on the fritz, and Gateway wants to take it in their shop for repairs. I’ll be without my laptop for at least seven days, and that’s with expedited… Continue Reading
People ask why I’m so ironic and bitter all the time. Here’s a perfect example. When I turn 70, and become eligible for Social Security benefits, that will be the exact year that the Social Security trust fund runs dry.… Continue Reading
By special request from a Loyal Reader, following are the tapas I made for last week’s dinner party. Cool Ham WrapsBreak about 1/2 pound raw asparagus spears from bases. Steam top portion of spears for 5-6 minutes, until mostly cooked.… Continue Reading
The recent controversy over the Spanish translation of the U.S. national anthem is silly. The words aren’t exactly the same, but what do you expect when you translate from one language to another? The sense of the song is still… Continue Reading
I have some students who can really write well. And I also have the author of this passage. This is the conclusion of a 1,700 word paper which was supposed to analyze two different proposals for tort reform. Let me… Continue Reading
As far as I’m concerned, Green Bay has done well this week. There is reason to be optimistic about 2007. Brett Favre is going to return for a final year, and undoubtedly will help train sophomore Aaron Rodgers to take… Continue Reading