Tonight’s Menu
The Wife signed me up to cook a fancy French dinner for her friends. So here’s what I’m going to attempt to make Saturday. I expect I’ll put at least as much work into this as I did for Thanksgiving… Continue Reading
The Wife signed me up to cook a fancy French dinner for her friends. So here’s what I’m going to attempt to make Saturday. I expect I’ll put at least as much work into this as I did for Thanksgiving… Continue Reading
For some reason, Wal-Mart was only carrying the so-called “morning-after pill” in pharmacies in two states. Prior to losing an administrative action in Massachusetts, the nation’s largest retailer had dispensed the contraceptive only in its Illinois pharmacies. Now, apparently, the… Continue Reading
The Prez took some egg on his face last year from Cindy Sheehan during her public protest demanding an explanation for her son’s death. It was a well-played political move and it served its purpose well — it demonstrated that… Continue Reading
I’m not one, but it’s a good time to be a Democrat. It’s a good time to not have to defend the Bush Administration, a burden that despite my lack of identification with the Democratic party, I am happy to… Continue Reading
The Wife and I went out to run some errands and grab dinner. Dinner was terrible — some of the worst so-called “Italian” food I’ve ever had. Bland meat, and billowy, overcooked pasta about ready to separate under the weight… Continue Reading
Every day, it’s getting warmer and warmer as spring approaches. Today, the temperature broke into the 70’s. And when I walk the dogs, I can hear frogs — lots and lots of frogs. Or maybe they’re toads. I haven’t seen… Continue Reading
…even if you don’t like basketball very much. Thanks to Prof. Randy Barnett at Volokh Conspiracy for the link.
First things first… You Passed 8th Grade Math Congratulations, you got 10/10 correct! Could You Pass 8th Grade Math? But this is important, too… You Passed the US Citizenship Test Congratulations – you got 10 out of 10 correct! Could… Continue Reading
This is staggering. 90% of the military believes the war in Iraq was a reprisal for Saddam’s involvement in 9/11. 77% of the military thinks we ought to have all of our soldiers home from Iraq within the year, rather… Continue Reading
A bit long, but quite amusing, particularly with the music.