Where I Stand
I confess, taking the survey, I didn’t think it would work out to be very accurate, that it didn’t ask enough questions. But the results are pretty much what I thought they would be, and the way I would describe… Continue Reading
I confess, taking the survey, I didn’t think it would work out to be very accurate, that it didn’t ask enough questions. But the results are pretty much what I thought they would be, and the way I would describe… Continue Reading
Poor Dick Cheney. You know, I’ve actually heard left-wing conspiracy theories that the whole shooting thing was a set up. A set up? Puh-leeze. Harry Whittington was a personal friend of Cheney’s, a loyal member of the Texas Republican apparatus,… Continue Reading
In a recent contributing op-ed to the Los Angeles Fish Wrapper, a Muslim professor at Cal State Los Angeles publicly wrings his hands at the rioting and violence appearing in the wake of a few innocuous and generally unremarkable cartoons.… Continue Reading
It seems that the Power Ball lotto has reached a new record, $365,000,000. That’s a million bucks for each day of the year. The odds of winning are one in 146,107,962. Someone with sufficient capital at this point could, in… Continue Reading
A few days ago, the laptop seemed to go out of commission. A stop at Best Buy to visit the Geek Squad revealed that the problem was the power cable or the power converter. A call to Gateway produced a… Continue Reading
It seems that for many years, a very popular television show in Turkey, whose title translates to Valley of the Wolves. The show chronicled the adventures of a team of Turkish commandoes. It was cancelled but has returned in movie… Continue Reading
Every once in a while we get a reminder of just how powerful and capricious nature is. And how utterly vulnerable we are to nature’s whims. Being humbled that way is not necessarily a bad thing, for an individual or… Continue Reading
I heard about youtube.com on NPR the other day. I picked a particularly silly video to link to. Enjoy. (Not kid-safe; contains a particularly funny drug reference and cartoon violence.)
What’s the way to end to a sucky day? In my case, that would be not being able to fall asleep. Laying down didn’t work. Reading hasn’t worked. Watching TV hasn’t worked. A beer didn’t work. Having to share a… Continue Reading
Everyone has crappy days from time to time. Today was my day for a crappy day. I had an interview with a recruiter today, so that meant I had to get out one of my nice shirts and iron it… Continue Reading