
Level 62
Sneak, Light Armor, One-Handed, Alchemy, Smithing, Enchanting: 100
Lockpicking: 98
Speech: 92
Illusion: 90

17 Dragon Shouts, 42 Dragon Words.

I hope to beat this game this weekend and, soon thereafter, stop talking about it.

So… what are you playing?


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to


  1. Minicraft by Notch. Tomorrow I hope to catch up with my friends in Union Beach and play DCUO in the afternoon. Also do you have recommendations for downloadable content on XBL that’s action-oriented and cool for a kid who 10 years old? We have houseguests this afternoon bringing their kid and want him to be entertained.

      • Just FYI: My boys are 10 and 7 and they both like Torchlight. Cartooney violence only.

        • My calibrations are all off. I have no idea what is and is not appropriate for chilluns. I do my best to err on the side of caution and ask questions like “would this have offended my reverend?”

          It probably would have, for the record.

          • I wouldn’t let them play Dragon Age, or even watch me play it. However, Torchlight is ok, as would Diablo. Neverwinter Nights and any of the Baldur’s Gate or Icewind Dale titles are fine, too. Knights of the Old Republic and Crimson Skies are ok. I have one Resident Evil game for the Wii and they don’t get to play that.

            Hmm…it seems like guns are the demarcation between “ok” and “not ok” (no politics). The planes in Crimson Skies have guns but that’s ok because you’re shooting at planes, not people?

          • I think I’m going to be the same way when my daughter gets old enough to force these decisions. It seems silly, since it’s a lot more likely she’d be in a position to actually emulate melee combat than shoot anything.

    • If you feel like trying again, just right shoulderbutton over to “games” and choose “games marketplace”, then right shoulderbutton over to “games”, and then pick the one that lets you pick by title from A-Z. (As of a few seconds ago, Torchlight was 71 of 100 in the Ts.)

      And, yes, the new XBox Live interface is horrid. I have no, absolutely no, idea why they didn’t make this particular interface an option (or, at least, allow the option of switching back to the old one). Far too busy, far too much unusable space, far too many clicks to get to anywhere folks would want to go (and far too confusing on how to get there).

      • I’ve been watching this kid play Torchlight and it takes a force of will to NOT take the controller away from him and play the game. He’s been at it for four hours straight.

        • I can’t watch the boys play video games. “Don’t you know there’s a plot? Why aren’t you playing the storyline? Talk to that guy and he’ll give you…WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!”

          • The kid who was here got tired of Torchlight and wanted to play Borderlands. Watching him play Borderlands was PAINFUL. Kept hiding, sniping with a SHOTGUN, getting lost among other tragedies. Unh, it’s a vidyagaem just run in and tear shit up.

            By the by, I played Torchlight and it’s the game I’ve been wanting to play for the longest time. It’s difficult for me to say this about a videoame but I never knew something could make me so happy.

  2. Sprinkling in Bastion amongst my usual FPS action, the story seems extremely well told and moves along pretty steadily. Normally I don’t like to play that type of game anymore but I enjoy having the story unfold and the art is pretty enough to keep me interested.

  3. 1000 points in Skyrim.

    What a great game. What a wonderful thing that I never have to play it again.

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