
A new feature for Friday.  This one, I can do every week, by gum.  I *can*!  If people enjoy the feature, at least.  Not everyone is afflicted with my ailment.

No using IMDB, or Google.  You’re allowed to look at the liner on your own DVDs or VHS tapes – provided you watch the film after as punishment.  Rot13 your guesses for the others.

Ten quotations, from ten movies.  You get 1 point for each correct movie identification, and 1 point for each actor/actress, and 1 point for the proper character.  Most weeks will have at least one quote that you’d have to be exemplary to get all three.  Example:

Q. “Well, this was not a boating accident”

A. Richard Dreyfuss as Hooper, Jaws

HAH!  Got you, there’s another answer:

A. Emilio Estevez, as Bill, Stakeout.

Winner for the week can retire covered in glory, or take the option to submit next week’s quiz.  Here’s Week 1:

  1. “Walter, you’re wonderful, in a loathsome sort of way.”
  2. “Is this the same Lisa Fremont that never wears the same dress twice?”
  3. “What’s the matter?  Have you no stomach for honest meat?”
  4. “No, no, no… don’t tug on that, you never know what it might be attached to.”
  5. “Oh yeah? Ever gone a week without a rationalization?”
  6. “Always I am saying goodbye to you… and always I am meeting you again.”
  7. “Would you be steppin’ into the parlor?  The house may belong to my brother… but what’s in the parlor, belongs to me.”
  8. “Welcome to Altair IV, Gentlemen.  I am to transport you to the Residence.”
  9. “Will you bring me five more Martinis, Leo? Line them right up here.”
  10. Oh, I just think I’m gonna barf… well, that passed.  Now I’m hungry again.”

(edited to add)

It occurred to me after I got up that some of these might not be googleable (or on IMDB).  So here’s the rot13’d answers, if you can’t get them and your brain is making you think bad things about having me murdered.

  1. Ebfnyvaq Ehffryy, Uvyql, Uvf Tvey Sevqnl – gb Pnel Tenag (Jnygre)
  2. Wvzzl Fgrjneg, Y.O. Wrssevrf (“Wrss” vf npprcgnoyr), Erne Jvaqbj
  3. Pynhqr Envaf, Cevapr Wbua, Ebova Ubbq – gb Reeby Sylaa (Qhu)
  4. Crgre Jryyre, Ohpxnebb, Gur Nqiragherf bs Ohpxnebb Onamnv – gb Wrss Tbyqoyhz (Arj Wrefrl)
  5. Wrss Tbyqoyhz, Zvpunry, Gur Ovt Puvyy – gb Gbz Oreratre (Fnz)
  6. Nyna Nexva, Ebmnabi, Gur Ehffvnaf Ner Pbzvat, Gur Ehffvnaf Ner Pbzvat, gb Pney Ervare (Juvggnxre Jnyg)
  7. Znherra B’Unen, Znel Xngr Qnanuhe, Gur Dhvrg Zna, gb Oneel Svgmtrenyq (Zvpunyrra Btr Sylaa)
  8. Zneiva Zvyyre, Eboovr gur Ebobg, Sbeovqqra Cynarg, gb gur perj bs gur fuvc. Eboovr gur Ebobg vf n 2 cbvag nafjre, fvapr Zneiva jnf haperqvgrq,
  9. Eboovr jnf yvfgrq nf cynlvat uvzfrys.  Vs lbh tbg Zneiva (V fperjrq zlfrys ba guvf dhrfgvba, V pbhyqa’g erzrzore rvgure) tvir lbhefrys n obahf cbvag.
  10. Zlean Ybl, Aben Puneyrf, Gur Guva Zna
  11. Senaprf ZpQbeznaq, Znetr Thaqrefba, Snetb


Patrick is a mid-40 year old geek with an undergraduate degree in mathematics and a master's degree in Information Systems. Nothing he says here has anything to do with the official position of his employer or any other institution.


  1. Sadly, I know none of those. I get a zero for the week. 🙂

    • Me too. #5 was the only one that rang a bell. After Googling them all, I found that I had seen most of these movies, a few of them more than once — I guess the quotes don’t stick.

    • Same here. I’m not surprised, though. Unless it’s like from Casablanca, I’m unlikely to do well in a movie quotes quiz.

      This thread did inspire me to install a rot-13 decoder to the Chrome context menu, so that’s pretty sweet.

  2. At first, I thought I would be good at this game. But then I looked at your actual quotes, and I said a bad word. So here’s my best SWAGs:

    #3 frrzf yvxr vg bhtug gb or Funxrfcrner, ohg gur ireanphyne vf gbb erprag.

    #4 zl orfg thrff (naq vg’f n thrff) vf gung vg jnf fcbxra ol Obo Ubfxvaf nf jung-gur-uryy-jnf-gur-punenpgre’f-anzr va Jub Senzrq Ebtre Enoovg?.

    #5 vf sebz Gur Ovt Puvyy. V qba’g erzrzore jub fnvq vg gubhtu. V jnagrq gb fnl Xriva Pbfgare ohg jnfa’g ur gur qrnq thl? Fb V’yy thrff Xriva Xyvar. V qb abg erzrzore gur punenpgre anzr.

    #6 frrzf yvxr vg pbhyq or n yvar sebz n ivyynva va n Wnzrf Obaq zbivr. V’yy fnl vg jnf fcbxra ol Nhevp Tbyqsvatre sebz Tbyqsvatre naq V pnaabg jvgu zl bja zrzbel pbzr hc jvgu gur npgbe’f anzr.

    #7 jnf, ntnva n thrff, Ivivna Yrvtu nf Fpneyrgg B’Unen va Tbar Jvgu Gur Jvaq

    #8, V guvax, vf sebz Eboovr gur Ebobg va Sbeovqqra Cynarg. V’ir ab vqrn jub ibvprq Eboovr gur Ebobg be jnyxrq nebhaq va gung gbc-urnil fhvg.

    #10 vf (V fhfcrpg) sebz Gur Tbbavrf naq ntnva V qba’g erzrzore rvgure npgbe be punenpgre.

    … and I’m out. 1, 2, and 9, I’m without a clue and nagged by that fact, especially by #9. So thank you for something that will now irritate my brain all day long when I ought to be thinking about the sorts of things my clients pay me to think about.

    (Edit by Jaybird: All I did was rot 13 the numbered part… and then went back and changed the tags.)

    • And I forgot to rot13 — the quiz overclocked my brain so much that I forgot the instruction to do so despite its being right there. Feel free to edit my comment to encode my guesses so as not to ruin it for the others. Sorry.

      • I couldn’t resist. Googled them all. Two movies and one performer correct. In deference to my earlier error, I will decline to identify which ones.

        This was really difficult. That’s not a complaint.

        • I don’t even try to touch your Monday trivia. That is also not a complaint.

  3. #4 vf Ohpxnebb Obamnv (Crgre Jryyre vf, yvxr, njrfbzr.)

    #9 vf, V nffhzr, Gur Fuvavat (V’ir arire frra vg… ohg V erzrzore n fprar yvxr gung va gur obbx.)

  4. This may be the hardest movie quote quiz I have ever seen. I’ll start with the three that I know I know:

    #8 V nz cbfvgvir vf sebz Sbeovqqra Cynarg, ohg gung’f orpnhfr bs gur anzr bs gur cynarg – abg orpnhfr V unir nal zrzbel bs guvf orvat fnvq.

    #2 vf Erne Jvaqbj, juvpu V jbhyq arire, rire unir xabj unq V abg frra vg bire Puevfgznf oernx. Wrssrevrf cynlrq ol Wvzzl Fgrjneg fnlf vg gb Yvfn (angpu) jub vf cynlrq ol Tenpr Xryyl.

    #10 vf qrsvavgryl Snetb, naq qrsvavgryl seb gur Senapvf ZpQbeznaq punenpgre. Ohg jvgubhg tbbtyvat/vzqovat, gurer nva’g ab jnl V pna trg gur punenpgre anzr, be gur punenpgre/npgbe gung fur fnvq vg gb.

    I’ll take these additional guesses:

    V erzrzore gur dhbgr sebz #6, naq V’z cerggl fher gung vg vf sebz bar bs gur 60f pbyq jne fperjonyy. V nz snveyl pregnva, gubhtu, gung’f abg Fgeantrtybir, juvpu vf yrnivat zr jvgu rvgure Gur Ehffvnaf ner Pbzvat be Gur Zbhfr gung Ebnerq. Vs jr pna bayl thrff bar, V’z tbvat jvgu Gur Zbhfr. V qba’g guvax vg jnf Crgre Fryyref gung fnvq vg, ohg fvapr ur’f gur bayl npgbe anzr V pna erzrzore sebz gung zbivr V’yy tb jvgu uvz naljnl.

    #3 V srry yvxr V erzrzore sebz gur obbx Uvgpuuvxref Thvqr, ohg abg gur zbivr, ohg V’yy thrff vg urer naljnl pnhfr V tbg abguva’.

    #7 V’z whfg tbvat gb jvat vg, naq fnl gur Avpbynf Pntr punenpgre gb gur Pure punenpgre va Zbbayvtug.

    Sbe #9, V’z tbvat gb fgneg jvgu gjb zbivrf jurer gur anzr Yrb jbhyq unir orra hfrq n ybg: Gur Cebqhpref, naq Grrantr Zhgnag Avawn Ghegyrf. Orpnhfr bs gur znegvavf, V’yy tb jvgu gur Cebqhpref. Yrg’f fnl, orpnhfr V guva jr unir byqvrf urer, gur aba-zhfvpny bevtvany, jvgu Mreb Zbfgry nf Znk Onvyrlfgbpx fnlvat vg gb Yrb Oybbz, cynlrq ol Trar Jvyqre. Va snpg, guvf dhbgr frrzf fb evtug gb gur punenpgref V’ir whfg qrfpevorq vg fubhyq or gur pbeerpg nafjre, rira vs vg’f abg.

    I don’t even have an educated guess on the others. Holy crap that was hard.

    • Well, you got four points, which is one better than me — and you were very, very close on a fifth. And yeah, that was a very challenging quiz.

  5. “Walter, you’re wonderful, in a loathsome sort of way.”
    Debbie Does Dallas

    “Is this the same Lisa Fremont that never wears the same dress twice?”
    Don’t know.

    “What’s the matter? Have you no stomach for honest meat?”
    Debbie Does Dallas.

    “No, no, no… don’t tug on that, you never know what it might be attached to.”
    Debbie Does Dallas

    “Oh yeah? Ever gone a week without a rationalization?”
    Don’t know.

    “Always I am saying goodbye to you… and always I am meeting you again.”
    Debbie Does Dallas

    “Would you be steppin’ into the parlor? The house may belong to my brother… but what’s in the parlor, belongs to me.”
    Don’t know.

    “Welcome to Altair IV, Gentlemen. I am to transport you to the Residence.”
    Don’t know

    “Will you bring me five more Martinis, Leo? Line them right up here.”
    Shakespeare in Love

    Oh, I just think I’m gonna barf… well, that passed. Now I’m hungry again.”
    Debbie Does Dallas

  6. 8 out of 10. Funnily enough, 8 and 10 are the 2 I didn’t get.

    • I figured you’d stumble on 8. 10 I’m a little surprised, but it’s good to know I can still stump the siblings.

  7. The only one I knew was 5, though in retrospect I should have gotten 1 and 10. It’s terrific that the answer to 8 gives us a ebobg anzrq Zneiva.

  8. You need to fix the opener though. Bill (Emilio Estevez) says that in Stakeout. Not Dreyfuss.

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