So I’m playing XCOM: Enemy Unknown and Dishonored
and I had reached detente with FTL until someone asked me about the ships I’d unlocked and I realized that I still needed to unlock the rock ship, the federation ship, and the ??? ship. So I’m playing that again.
So… what are you playing?
Replaying Dragon Age, playing FTL, and trying to determine when I’m going to start playing X-COM.
I’m mostly playing Torchlight 2, once I’ve finished a playthrough I might give XCOM a go.
On easy, yeah.
Still, that’s another ship unlocked.
so what’s the word on dishonored?
The main feeling I’m getting is that it’s Bioshock if Bioshock were a sneaker. I’m currently doing everything I can to make the game less fun because I’ve been trying to make my first runthrough a no-kill runthrough and I’m going to abandon that today and just sit and play the dang game as if I were the Assassin instead of the Vulcan.
As for the story (only the minorest of spoilers) the prologue ends with you becoming the fall guy for a plot to take over the government and the guys behind it pretty much explain that they’re sorry… you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Which is a great way to drag a player into a storyline.
Guild Wars 2, of course. Also, finally trying out Gratuitous Space Battles, that I got in a Humble Indie Bundle. I do not think GSB will hold my interest too long. It is an interesting premise (build and deploy your fleet, no control during the actual battle), but it starts to get a bit repetitive, and I have not had to vary my setup very much.