
Having read (and re-read) Glyph’s awesome first post and Patrick’s awesome art post, I am now champing at the bit to finish the story! Do we have any volunteers to tackle the next issues?

Now I need to point out that as awesome as Glyph and Patrick’s posts are, what makes them especially awesome is that they wrote it using their voice and made the post their own… and when you (yes you!) write your post, I want you to use your voice to take on the issue and not try to say “well, I need to make it like this other post here”.

I’m also of a mind to say that we should only review two books per post, given the potential to have a post about four issues run north of 3600 words. Thoughts on that? Also, the next two issues are pretty harrowing, maybe someone who reviews those two deserves to review the two that follow?



Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to


  1. I think “Passengers” needs its own discussion, and “24 Hours” needs its own, maybe combined with “Sound and Fury.” Passengers is all about comic book references from the past, and the 6th and 7th books are about a very specific story of a few characters.

    I had to wait a few days after reading “24 Hours” and “Sound and Fury” to start it up again. “Passengers” meant nothing to me. I can’t host these together. I’ll wait for the discussion, I guess.

    • I would very much like Boegiboe’s take on Passengers.

      • Well, but he said it meant nothing to him.

        But I am willing to accept his judgment and say that “Passengers” needs its own discussion by itself and “24 Hours” and “Sound and Fury” should be their own post.

  2. Well, if people aren’t sick of me yet, I probably have some stuff to say about 24 Hours, but I want to give others a chance, so I can just hit it in comments. Passengers doesn’t mean a lot to me either, it just gets us from point A to B.

  3. My books are still in Wisconsin. I may see what I can do about finding a decent bookstore around here and Sandblogging from there.

  4. I’d like to do a post or two on The Doll’s House – which chapters I’d pick depend on whether we decide to split each book into more than two posts.

      • Katherine, how’s this? You tell me which posts that you feel like writing, then start writing them. I’ll post them when the appropriate time comes (which is soon enough, I tell you what).

        • Okay. I’ll work on posts for the first two three-chapter sections; that seems like they should be about the right length.

  5. At this point, I’m thinking that *I* will take “Passengers” (as the point A to point B book that I kinda liked, all things considered), Boegiboe can take “24 Hours” and “Sound and Fury” and Glyph can take “The Sound Of Her Wings”?

    Does that work for everybody?

    • I’ve already started throwing something together for ’24 hours’, so if Boegiboe wants to trade that for ‘Wings’, I am game; if not, I will do ‘Wings’, and leave one long-a** comment on ’24 Hours’. 🙂

        • Sorry, I got inspired and started hacking at it :-). I kind of thought due to the subject matter it might be a hard one to get a volunteer for.

          • Well, how’s this? *I* have “Passengers”. You two can hammer out how you want to handle the next two-three issues.

          • OK. Boegiboe, do you want to do ‘Sound & Fury’ and ‘Sound of Her Wings’? Just let me know.

            I completed one for ’24 hours’ just now, but if you are already doing that one or want to do that one, I can just post mine in comments.

    • I worry to read that because I wrote my “Passengers” take last night and I was pleased to point out stuff like the particular Alfred Hitchcock Presents episode they referenced… and I just *KNOW* that the AV Club not only did that but discussed various lines from the episode in addition to just cutting/pasting the plot synopsis from the IMDB.

      Well… let’s check.

      Oh good! They didn’t! Yeah, ours is way better.

      • I was glad I forwarded you my 24 Hours before they posted. That way, I could comment over there, and if I repeated myself, and someone saw it over there before they saw it here, at least *you* would know that I wasn’t copying that one guy over there (who is me) 🙂

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